Ways to Detox With Iodine

iodineTy Bollinger – It’s a fact we can’t ignore: we live in a toxic world. In response to this, you have probably also heard about the importance of detoxing your body. You may have even tried cleanses for specific organs such as the gut, liver, or kidneys.

But did you know that there are certain nutrients that can “work their magic” by gently helping the body to detoxify on a daily basis? Iodine is at the top of this list of important minerals which can heal as well as cleanse.

3 Critical Ways that Iodine Can Help You Detox

#1 – Iodine Can Help Your Body Detox from Halides (Fluoride, Bromide and Chlorine)

Let’s get specific when it comes to the toxins that are impacting your health and the health of your loved ones. Many of the dangerous chemicals we take in from the air, water, soil, and food supply are called “endocrine disruptors.” Continue reading