Congress Piling On Amendments To Anti-Iranian Nuclear Legislation

Stephen Lendman – Democrat and Republican hardliners are toughening the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (INAR)

iranObama opposes it. A possible veto-proof majority looms. The legislation aims to undermine consummating a final deal by giving Congress vetting power over its terms.

Israel and its Lobby want them tougher than any responsible government would accept – their way to kill an equitable deal altogether.

Congress is on board to oblige. More than 50 amendments are being considered.

On April 14, Senate Foreign Relations Committee members will begin debating them. Obama wants no congressional action until a final deal is reached by end of June.

All 535 congressional members know Iran’s program is entirely peaceful – with no military component or intention to have one.

They know Iran doesn’t threaten Israel or any other nation. It’s leadership goes all-out for mutual cooperation with all other countries.

Israel, Obama and pro-Israeli zealots infesting his administration know all of the above. They fabricate accusations claiming otherwise. They deplore peace and stability. They relish endless wars.

Reports indicate intense negotiations over ways to amend INAR – largely irresponsibly. Continue reading

Israel: A Force Of Pure Evil

Stephen Lendman – Israel from inception threatened regional peace and stability. Under Netanyahu and likeminded fascist thugs, it threatens humanity.

nuclearNetanyahu rails irresponsibly about Iran’s well-known peaceful nuclear program. He ignores Israel’s open secret.

The whole world knows it’s nuclear armed and dangerous. Its menacing arsenal includes illegal chemical and biological weapons – freely used in all its wars along with radiological ones.

Iran threatens no one. It values cooperative relations with all nations.

It deplores war. It’s the region’s leading peace and stability proponent. It wants a world free from menacing nuclear weapons.

Israel and America reserve the right to use them preemptively against any nation for any reason – including nuclear weapons-free ones.

They threaten world peace and security. Humanity may not survive their recklessness.

Netanyahu rails like a madman. He’s apoplectic over preliminary framework Iranian nuclear program terms agreed on last week in Lausanne.

He insists any final deal consummated includes terms he demands. Continue reading


“Each producer has a slightly different reason to continue pumping flat out. A lot has been said about the US and Saudi Arabia colluding to drive down the price of oil. But the collusion theory can be sliced away with Occam’s Razor, since they would be expected to behave exactly the same even without colluding.” – D Orlov

PutinObamaCartoonOver the course of 2014 the prices the world pays for crude oil have tumbled from over $125 per barrel to around $45 per barrel now, and could easily drop further before heading much higher before collapsing again before spiking again. You get the idea. In the end, the wild whipsawing of the oil market, and the even wilder whipsawing of financial markets, currencies and the rolling bankruptcies of energy companies, then the entities that financed them, then national defaults of the countries that backed these entities, will in due course cause industrial economies to collapse. And without a functioning industrial economy crude oil would be reclassified as toxic waste. But that is still two or three decades off in the future.

In the meantime, the much lower prices of oil have priced most of the producers of unconventional oil out of the market. Recall that conventional oil (the cheap-to-produce kind that comes gushing out of vertical wells drilled not too deep down into dry ground) peaked in 2005 and has been declining ever since. The production of unconventional oil, including offshore drilling, tar sands, hydrofracturing to produce shale oil and other expensive techniques, was lavishly financed in order to make up for the shortfall. But at the moment most unconventional oil costs more to produce than it can be sold for. This means that entire countries, including Venezuela’s heavy oil (which requires upgrading before it will flow), offshore production in the Gulf of Mexico (Mexico and US), Norway and Nigeria, Canadian tar sands and, of course, shale oil in the US. All of these producers are now burning money as well as much of the oil they produce, and if the low oil prices persist, will be forced to shut down. Continue reading

The ISIS Ploy: Illuminati Symbols, Sorcery And Sacrifice

“You’ll find this energy vampirism a recurring theme throughout any esoteric studies on this subject, a theme popularized by the Matrix movies where humans are considered energy “batteries” to be drained and utilized. That’s pretty much what they’re up to.” ~Z Gardner

ZG_IsisIt’s rather ironic that this latest wave of Western armed and financed “Islamic” militants invading Iraq and now conveniently threatening Syria and Iran is named ISIS. Or is it deliberate? It’s being used to stand for this oddly anglicised, fabricated, full-on barbaric “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” movement presently sweeping Iraq, but anyone acquainted with any degree of occult knowledge or esoteric mythology knows the goddess Isis is one of the most important figures in so-called mystery schools, and a favorite of Freemasonry and the Illuminati; and one for which they have manipulated, murdered and thoroughly deceived humanity for millennia.

While the US is currently (once again) self-appointedly deciding whether to go into all out overt war on the entire region from Lebanon to Iran, based on this “unforeseen phenomenon” of ISIS, this parasitic plan goes on full throttle, ripping the guts out of millions of innocent people’s lives for the Machiavellian desires of a few; all while they hoodwink the masses into a completely backwards interpretation of their devious sorcery.

These “elite” few are fueled by something besides their psychopathy – it’s an occult allegiance to powerful symbolic entities, whether they are all fully conscious of their allegiances to these powers or not. Such is the case of most of manipulated humanity.

Isis and the Illuminati

It’s important to know that almost every portrayal of a feminine goddess, a speciality of Freemasonic art, literature and architecture, hails back to Isis – no matter whether it’s called “The Statue of Liberty”, “Blind Justice”, “Mother Mary”, “Columbia” or some other “Queen of Heaven” or whatever label they want to give her. They’re almost all the same entity. Isis in turn goes back to Sumer and the goddess Semiramis, or Ishtar, an embodiment of this same esoteric deity. Continue reading

Stephen Lendman ~ Manufacturing Crisis Irresponsibly

SteveLendmansBlog  May 30 2014

“”(F)ear-mongering propagandists may well succeed in pushing the United States into a situation of increased tension with Iran…” Including possible military confrontation. It’s what Netanyahu “long sought,” Porter stressed. It’s madness if happens. It assures regional conflict. Perhaps global. Washington’s agenda risks the worst of all possible outcomes. Fascist regimes operate this way.” S. Lendman

steveLendmanIt’s longstanding US policy. Enemies are invented when none exist. War on terror duplicity continues.

It’s fake. It creates fear. It’s used to justify the unjustifiable. It’s to advance America’s imperium. One country after another is ravaged and destroyed.

Ukraine is in the eye of the storm. So is Syria. Iran’s turn awaits. Washington wants its sovereign independence eliminated.

It wants pro-Western stooge governance replacing it. Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful.

It has no military component. It never did. Claims otherwise are Big Lies. Sixteen US intelligence agencies once said so. No longer.

They dispel notions about a weaponized Iranian nuclear program. They do annually. It doesn’t matter.

Neocons infest Washington. Big Lies about Iran’s nuclear policy persist. They do so despite public knowledge otherwise.

Iran’s nuclear program is entirely peaceful. It wants it kept this way. It deplores nuclear weapons. It wants a nuclear-free world.

It wants peace. It abhors war. Managed news misinformation claims otherwise.

Iran opposes violence and instability. It wants rapprochement with all nations. Especially hostile Western ones.

Ongoing P5+1 talks continue. So do efforts to subvert them. By Israel most of all. Netanyahu knows Iran’s program is peaceful.

So do other Israeli hardliners. It doesn’t matter. They want a Middle East rival eliminated. They want regional hegemony.

Mossad-connected DEBKAfile (DF) spreads Big Lies. Iran is a prime target. On May 24, it headlined “The Big Charade: Nuclear diplomacy is a flop, the finale is secretly postponed to 2015.”

“All hands on board the project for proving that Iran is amenable to dialogue and concessions on its nuclear program worked overtime this week to mask the truth, which is that negotiations were going nowhere,” said DF. Continue reading