Reasons Witch Hazel Should Be Added To Your Medicine Cabinet

IrritationAlanna Ketler – Witch Hazel is an ancient Native American remedy for a wide variety of ailments and people are starting to see why. Generally, in stores, we see witch hazel available in a clear liquid form in a bottle, but prior to that, it starts off as a shrub with yellow flowers.

There are two ways of getting the extract from the witch hazel bark, one as a distillation, this is commonly found in stores and generally has alcohol added to act as a preservative, or as a decoction. Many herbalists agree that the decoction method is superior because it makes a more concentrated version which means higher levels of tannins, which is the component that gives witch hazel its superior astringent properties. The distilled version is more shelf-stable, but just be aware of the alcohol that’s added, as some are sensitive to this.

Witch hazel can typically be used in the place of alcohol for treatment of many different skin irritations. It is recognized worldwide as a natural cleanser and toner, it’s clear that this product is absolutely great for the skin, so what benefits does it provide? Continue reading

Live ‘On The Inhale’

InspireMeToday  August 8 2013

In the midst of everything, happiness is still all around you. The Universe is delighted with you- all of you.

Given all that unconditional love supporting you, you can choose who you want to be.

Here are some things I’ve learned.

Live your life on purpose, as a creator, with personal freedoms. Make more choices that nurture your simple joys, talents, relationships with loved ones, your contribution, your connection to abundant source and spirit.

Making choices based on staying close to your passions, purpose, and calling expands everything else in your world. You stay in the zone of fun, synchronicity, attraction, flow, prosperity- there is a one ness between the universe and you.

I have also learned that if you make choices based on anything else, you travel further away from your center. Less happens. You try harder, you do more things dedicated to make it work. You struggle. Forget things. There is a numb separateness between you and life.

At this moment, if you are taking stock and want this to be a transformational year full of gifts from your soul, I suggest two unlikely places to look where our freedoms and vitality sometimes get recaptured.

Most of us are looking for ways to live with passion and purpose. It’s critical to do so, and some people find it challenging. These places to look may surprise you with valuable information…

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