Captured ISIS Terrorist Admits Stolen Oil Arrives in Turkey Daily

oil Stephen Lendman – Russian surveillance footage, independent investigative journalists and others exposed Erdogan’s oil smuggling racket, complicit with ISIS, refining and selling stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil on the black market – Israel a key beneficiary.

Captured ISIS militant Mahmud Ghazi Tatar provided more evidence of illegal Turkish oil operations. His “commander told us that the group sells fuel to Turkey,” he explained.

Income funds ISIS terrorist activities. “(O)il trucks crossing into Turkey every day carry crude oil, as well as petrol,” Tatar said. Militants have “enough oil to last them a long time” – generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue annually along with other lucrative illicit operations supplying more, up to an estimated billion dollars annually.

Oil is sold through intermediary businessmen and traders, names not revealed. It’s well known Erdogan, his son, and high-level Turkish officials are involved, profiting hugely from smuggling operations. Continue reading

Is All That We See Really What’s Going On?

Catherine J. Frompovich – As 2015 winds down to ebb away into sanitized history books, we probably are looking anxiously toward 2016 for what the coming year portends globally. However, shouldn’t we do a reality check and remind ourselves that how we perceive what’s going on in the world around us and how it’s portrayed for us by governments and the media actually may be at realistic odds and far from factual?

weatherThe above cartoon is admirable insofar as it is trying to tell something we need to re-evaluate, in my opinion. Nonetheless, that just may not be what’s really going on, e.g., Mother Nature wreaking havoc upon us mortals and contrasting her weather violence with the unimaginable actions of zealots who believe in causes so resolutely, even to committing calculated suicide missions.

Personally, I think there are some differences between the two crises illustrated. For the first difference, I’d like to suggest that both crises result from HUMAN actions. Admittedly, we see the aftermath of terrorists’ actions on the nightly news; the gun battles; drone sorties; plus the foreign intrigue that accompanies infiltration into homelands and young, apparently delusional minds.

The second difference is what we don’t see on the nightly news or in the weather forecasters’ prognostications. They never talk about weather geoengineering taking place on a global scale or explain weather systems that they see on their radar as anomalies. What’s going on that’s affecting Mother Nature really is “weather geoengineering” enabled by scientifically-sanctioned aerial spray jobs colloquially known as “chemtrails.” Continue reading

ISIS IP Addresses Traced Back To Saudi Arabia and UK Governments

addressesBrandon Turbeville – A recent successful hacking of three ISIS supporters’ Twitter accounts has revealed that the source of these accounts is not located in Syria or Iraq but in the UK and Saudi Arabia.

According to a report by the UK Mirror, a group of four hackers known as VandaSec hacked the ISIS accounts and linked them back to the Department of Work and Pensions in the UK. Indeed, according to the hackers, the accounts are being run from Internet addresses that can be traced back to the DWP.

The Mirror reports that VandaSec showed them the IP addresses used by a group of three separate jihadists (digital ones at least) to access their Twitter accounts. What appeared at first to suggest that the IP addresses were based in Saudi Arabia soon revealed that the addresses linked back to the DWP in the UK.

“VandaSec’s work has sparked wild rumours suggesting someone inside the DWP is running ISIS-supporting accounts, or they were created by intelligence services as a honeypot to trap wannabe jihadis,” Jasper Hamill writes.

The Mirror then claims to have traced the IP addresses shown to them by VandaSec and allegedly found that the addresses pointed to “a series of unpublicized transactions between Britain and Saudi Arabia.” Continue reading

Obama Vows Escalated War OF Terror

terroristStephen Lendman – Post-9/11, America deceptively launched what it called a Global War on Terrorism.

It’s a war OF terrorism on humanity, using its military might along with rogue NATO and other partners, currently supporting ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

Following state-sponsored false flags in Paris and San Bernardino, US Middle East aggression escalated, on the phony pretext of combating ISIS.

Speaking from the Pentagon on Monday after meeting with his national security advisors, Obama lied claiming US “armed forces continue to lead the global coalition in our mission to destroy the terrorist group ISIL.”

Fact: Washington supports terrorist elements it claims to oppose, mainly ISIS.

Obama lied claiming US and partnered forces “on the ground are rooting ISIL out, town by town, neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block.” Just the opposite is true.

Fact: Syria’s military is the only ground force fighting ISIS and other terrorists – effectively retaking earlier lost territory with formidable Russian air power help, hitting multiple terrorist targets daily with deadly accuracy.

Fact: US and coalition partners try countering their successes by aiding their terrorist foot soldiers. Continue reading

The Whole ‘War on Terror’ is a FRAUD – Harley Schlanger [Audio]

SGT Report – Our good friend Harley Schlanger from LaRouchePAC joins me to discuss the necessity of impeaching Barack Hussein Obama, exposing operation Gladio style terror attacks and the unconstitutional war in Syria.

Harley says, “We’re in a new phase which is very dangerous. But all of this goes back to the very bold action that Putin took to essentially say “You want a WAR ON TERROR, let’s have a war on terror” and it showed that the whole war on terror has been a fraud from the beginning.”

SF Source  Dec 2015

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