US-Turkey “Buffer Zone” to Save ISIS, Not Stop Them

zonesTony Cartalucci – Russia’s intervention in Syria has derailed US regime-change efforts aimed at Damascus. It also threatens America’s secondary objective of dividing and destroying Syria as a functioning, unified nation-state. Long sought after “buffer zones” also sometimes referred to as “free zones” or “safe zones” still stand as the primary strategy of choice by the US and its regional allies for the deconstruction of Syria’s sovereignty and the intentional creation of a weak, failed state not unlike what the US and NATO left within the borders of Libya since 2011.

And while the US seeks to sell its “buffer zone” strategy under a variety of pretexts – from protecting refugees to fighting the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS/ISIL) – it is admittedly a tactic aimed instead at America’s true objectives in Syria – the destruction of its government, the division of its people, and the eradication of its sovereignty.

ISIS is Clearly the Product of State-Sponsorship

In 2012, it was clear that the region north of Aleppo and across the border into Turkey, had become one of two primary points (Jordan being the other) of staging and entry for NATO-backed terrorists operating in Syria. It was from across the border north of Aleppo and Idlib that NATO-armed, funded, and trained terrorists from Libya first flowed into Syrian territory and from where the initial 2012 invasion of Aleppo emanated.

While NATO opened up several other fronts along Syria’s northern border, this has remained their primary focus – specifically for the purpose of taking Idlib, Aleppo, or both, establishing them as a seat of government for a proxy regime, and as a strategic and logistical springboard to wage war deeper into Syrian territory from. Continue reading

Is the New World Order Dying? Part 2

Bernie Suarez – In 2014 I wrote about how the new world order plans sustained quite a few noticeable and uncomfortable setbacks, enough for anyone paying attention to take notice and wonder if 2015 would be worse for the global elite. Well it’s not quite the end of 2015 (as of the time of this article) and already there are signs all around us that the Western cabal’s new world order plans could be slowly dying.

new worldSome people would consider this overly optimistic. My response to that is to point out that the journey to human freedom versus enslavement is a dynamic process with ups and downs. Those pushing for a one world government are fighting to prevent awakening and true revolution. They’re fighting to keep people unaware, confused and uninformed about significant domestic and global events. Yes, I agree at times it seems like things are getting worse. But I also notice that when things turn for the worse, things soon afterward often turn for the better. The net result is more than ever people are not believing mainstream media news. One minute we see that the “Strong Cities Network” new world order plans are rolling forward, the next minute we see how U.S. lies about arming terrorist in Syria are being exposed globally. Again, the net result is that in this dynamic process things are trending toward mass awakening and solutions. I interpret this as a possible sign that we are very likely witnessing the slow eventual death of the new world order whose existence is becoming less and less probable as more and more people wake up to the globalist plans. Continue reading

News And Views From The Nefarium – Oct 8, 2015 [Video]

Joseph P Farrell – The geopolitical earthquakes and aftershocks keep rolling in.



French Government Aligns With Russia’s War Against ISIS


The French will support Russia’s fight against terrorists in Syria. U.S. President Obama will be kept informed about developments.

Last Monday, French foreign minister Laurent Fabius took a surprising stance in favor of Russian air strikes in Syria. During an interview with French radio station Europe1 Fabius stated that these aerial attacks must be flown not just against ISIS but against all other groups which can be classified as terroristic. Russia’s news agency TASS also cited this interview.

The interesting aspect of this interview is the correction of a former announcement of French president Hollande on last Friday arguing Russia is just allowed to hit ISIS – and nobody else.
This is bad news for NATO. Since the launch of Russia’s air strikes NATO and U.S.-Neocons are keen to escalate the situation accusing the Russians of attacking other terrorist groups beyond IS.  But this is exactly the task of the Russians, Fabius declared during his interview.

Fabius explained further that president Hollande shares of course the same view but had been in a hurry during his last interview and probably was not precise enough. It is very embarrassing for the U.S. and Turkey that Fabius explicitly defined Jabhat al-Nusra Front as potential target. Al Nusra Front– a Syrian Al-Qaida branch is financed and equipped by the U.S. and Turkey.

A permanent information exchange concerning the progress of the raids has been established. Israel is being informed as well and cooperates with the Russians on an informal basis.

The French air raids have been flown for a while now. Obviously there is no common idea within NATO concerning the future strategy in Syria. It is not clear whether there is coordination between Russia and France when flying the aerial attacks.

Gulf states and Turkey share other interests in the region and are opposing the Russians. Turkey is demanding financial support from the EU to cover the cost for running the refugee camps and additionally for some sort of standstill agreement with respect to Turkey’s own military activities in Syria and Northern Iraq.  –  Source

frenchSF Source  Joseph Farrell

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Russia’s swift actions in Syria put the West into a stupor

GPD – Western countries still can not come to their senses because of Russia’s military operation in Syria. “This is a new quality of Russia as a state. This is a sudden emergence of a great power that not very long ago was referred to as a “gas station,” a country, the economy of which was in tatters,” military expert Igor Korotchenko said in an interview with Pravda.Ru.

Inna Novikova – “In the war-torn Afghanistan, the Americans can bomb a hospital and then simply apologize for the “mistake,” as they say.”

Source: Pravda.Ru photo archive

Igor Korotchenko – “The Americans have attacked a variety of civil objects before. They have bombed weddings, funerals and just congregations of people, whom American pilots took for terrorists. The reason for such criminal actions lies in the fact that the Americans do not have enough intelligence information. They also have strong beliefs in their own high-precision weapons. However, as it turns out, they can not use them properly. Finally, US senior officers are low-skilled. The Americans have created the coalition of more than 60 countries that have been fighting for a year, but the result of their action is zero.

“The recent tragic incident with the bombing of the hospital in Afghanistan was another confirmation of the lack of professionalism of American military officials. They just grab a sledgehammer and kill, they do not double-check their information.” Continue reading

Is Barack Obama Actually TRYING To Start World War III?

Reuters / Kevin Lamarque

Michael Snyder – Why has Barack Obama airdropped 50 tons of ammunition into areas that “moderate rebels” in Syria supposedly control?  This is essentially the equivalent of poking the Russians directly in the eyes.  Much of this ammunition will end up in the hands of those that the Russians are attempting to bomb into oblivion, and so to Russia it appears that we are attempting to make their job much harder.  And of course the truth is that there aren’t really any “moderate rebels” in Syria at all.  Nearly all of the groups that are fighting are made up primarily of radical jihadists and/or hired mercenaries.  Personally, I don’t see anyone over there that you could call “the good guys”.  At the end of the day, the U.S. supports just about anyone that wants to get rid of the Assad regime, and the Russians are working very hard to keep Assad in power.  Just like the civil war in Ukraine, the conflict in Syria is in great danger of being transformed into a proxy war between the United States and Russia, and many fear that these conflicts could eventually be setting the stage for World War III.

The ferocity of Russian airstrikes in Syria has surprised observers all over the planet, and over the past couple of days these airstrikes have been extended to include some new areas

Russian Air Forces have extended the range of their airstrikes on Islamic State positions in Syria to four provinces, focusing primarily on demolishing fortified installations and eliminating supply bases and the terrorists’ infrastructure.

Over the last 24 hours Russian aircraft have attacked terrorist positions in the Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Raqqa provinces of Syria. In total, 64 sorties targeted 63 Islamic State installations, among them 53 fortified zones, 7 arms depots, 4 training camps and a command post.

When I read reports like this, I am deeply troubled.  The Obama administration claims that it has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria for over a year.  So why in the world do these targets still exist? Continue reading