Obama Says Russian Strikes on ISIS are “Strengthening” ISIS

russiaSteven MacMillan – Welcome to Obamaland, the mysterious, schizophrenic world where the truth is inverted. Washington is rapidly losing the microscopic amount of respect it had around the world, as US propaganda is becoming more childish by the week. Any rational person who is even remotely informed just sits back in amazement at the volume of deceptive, deceitful, and outright ludicrous statements constantly spewing from the mouths of top US officials. One of the latest comical episodes was when the US President, Barack Obama, actually tried to argue that Russian airstrikes against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/IS/ISIL) are “only strengthening ISIL”:

The moderate opposition in Syria is one that, if we’re ever going to have a political transition, we need. And the Russian policy is driving those folks underground or creating a situation in which they are [debilitated], and it’s only strengthening ISIL.

So in Obama’s mind, Russia pounding key ISIS positions and other affiliated terrorist groups isn’t halting the groups rise, but “strengthening” it. In the real world, however, Russia has been severely weakening ISIS and fellow extremist forces in Syria through bombing terrorist command centers, weapons warehouses, training camps and other enemy positions. Russian airstrikes have illuminated the complete sham of the US-led coalition against ISIS, as Russian airstrikes have been far more effective already, comparative to America’s campaign.

Russia has once again outmaneuvered the West in relation to Syria, after a stroke of diplomatic genius from Moscow in 2013, which led to the Syrian government giving up their chemical weapons arsenal and averting a full-scale invasion by Western forces. Continue reading

Cameron and Obama versus Putin the “Dictator”

isisKatherine Frisk – On the 30th of September the world as we have known it for the last four years since 2011 changed overnight. A carefully planned counter attack against ISIS in Syria began with Russian air raids on ISIS strong holds.

The large majority of people in the West…

(those who watch CNN, Fox and BBC, those who actually pay to read the tabloid press where seemingly independent newspapers on news stands from Kiev to Paris, London to New York, Boston to Los Angeles, Toronto to Vancouver and back again, paid lip service to the tag lines and outdated rhetoric that has been associated with Russia since the beginning of the Cold War)

…like parrots spewed out the same garbage in the comments sections across the Internet. Recognize any of these?

The Russians are coming.

Russia is a Hegemon.

The Socialist threat.

Putin is a KGB thug.

Putin is a dictator.

Those few who neither watch nor read any of the above news outlets because they have over time educated themselves, think for themselves and know fully well that the Main Stream Media by and large is a propaganda machine controlled by Murdoch Media with CIA operatives embedded in the system to make sure that the “party line” is churned out ad nauseam, gave up on them a long time ago. Continue reading

Putin Checkmates Obama

syriaStephen Lendman – John Pilger once called Washington’s Afghanistan war “the grand illusion of the American cause,” a failed aggression no matter how long fighting continues.

The same applies to Syria, notably after Russia’s intervention, routing ISIS and other US-supported terrorists, destroying their weapons, munitions and facilities, forcing thousands to flee for safety after just ten days of strategic bombing. What a difference a few days made.

US policymakers have no effective way to challenge Russia’s determination to crush terrorism in Syria, perhaps extend its campaign to Iraq if Baghdad requests help.

The New York Times called Obama’s “strategic patience and persistence” policy an utter failure, “paralysis. (His) advisors say there is little they can do to change the situation in the near term.”

He has no strategy able to counter Putin’s “real” war on terror, polar opposite his phony one. The world’s stage shifted dramatically – Moscow the lead player against a scourge free people everywhere want eliminated.

Obama’s advisors said he may have to “wait out Russia’s intervention,” said The Times. At the same time, he’s supplying more weapons and munitions to terrorist groups Moscow intends to crush.

They’re no match against its formidable air power combined with Syrian ground forces on the offensive – regaining territory, maintaining pressure, ISIS and other terrorists groups now on the defensive. Continue reading

Trapped In A Low-End Trading Range

Michael Noonan – Syria: An example why gold and silver have not rallied, and an example of why gold and silver ultimately will rally.

As a side note, never in the history of the world has a fiat paper currency ever survived.  Never before in history has there been so much fiat-created paper currency nor has there ever been as much debt in the world.  Never before has the demand for gold and silver been greater, nor the supply of same less, relative to the demand.  Obviously, as we have stated in the past, the natural factors of supply and demand are of no consequence for the pricing of gold and silver.

This makes Syria an interesting topic, seemingly non-related to how PMs are currently priced, and there are hundreds of topics that could be used to make the same point, which in itself is part of the point to be made.  Syria is but a symptom.  The core is the international globalists creating havoc around the world as its massive Ponzi scheme has begun to spiral out of control.

Events are speeding up making it almost impossible to keep up with what seems to be so many disparate occurrences, when in reality, all are symptomatic of the core catalyst. What we like about Syria is how it exposes both the US hypocrisy and phony bluster when the might of US forces is pitted against an equal, if not superior opposing force, as in its “non confrontation” with Russia.

The US has purportedly been fighting “terrorism” [much of it its own creation], in Syria for the past few years.  First, it was anti-Syrian rebels fighting to oust Assad [because the US wants to replace him with a compliant pro-Western puppet head].  Then the CIA-financially backed, armed, and trained ISIS was created, ostensibly as a terrorist group, in general, but with Western intent of toppling Assad.  So, the US has been “fighting ISIS” for the past three years, unable to eradicate the rag-tag, black-clothed fighters wearing their Air Jordan sneakers, correction…Air Jihadis, to no practical effect.

Enter Putin who says Russia wants to form a coalition with the US and get rid of ISIS once and for all.  We often make reference to the over-used analogy of Putin being a master chess player to his counter-part mediocre checkers player, Obama, simply because it is so apt.  Would the US join forces with Russia to do what the US claims it has been trying to do for the past few years, spending billions of fiat in the process?  Of course not! Continue reading

WWIII – Syria, Russia & Iran – The New Equation [Video]

The Syrian Front Just Got Much More Dangerous


Storm Clouds Gathering – On September 30th, 2015 Russia began airstrikes against ISIS and its affiliates in Syria. These strikes were conducted at the request of the Syrian government. Iran followed announcing that they were preparing to send in ground troops

These developments completely change the geopolitical equation, and not just in Syria.

Western politicians and their corporate media lapdogs are obviously not happy about where this is headed, and they have taken to the airwaves in force to voice their condemnation. First they claimed that Russia was hitting “moderate”, U.S. backed rebels rather than exclusively focusing on ISIS. Continue reading