Jan 6 ‘Liz Cheney’ Committee Lied to We The People

Jan 6 'Liz Cheney' Committee Lied to We The PeopleJessica C. – Every single member of the now-disbanded January 6 Committee deserves to go to prison for the rest of their lives. Actually, they deserve worse, but if I type that, I’ll probably get another visit from the FBI.

The new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, is publicly releasing 40,000 hours of January 6 protest video from the US Capitol. Everyone can see the first tranche of videos for themselves online. It’s now clear that the January 6 Liz Cheney Committee lied to the American people. As a result, more than 1,200 people have had their lives destroyed by the Justice Department, and several people have died. Continue reading

Don’t Shut Down the January 6 Committee – Supercharge It!

Don’t Shut Down the January 6 Committee – Supercharge It! Brian C. Joondeph – Now that the US House of Representatives will be under Republican control, assuming Santa Claus doesn’t deliver Democrat ballots to a few key swing districts as an early Christmas present for the Democrat party, the new House GOP leadership will determine the fate of the January 6 committee.

Will GOP leaders shut down the committee? Far-left Mother Jones believes it, “Will be coming to an end.” They also think that the GOP will want to, “Exact revenge on the panel by attacking its work—and its members.” Revenge against the two RINO Republican committee members is done as neither will be returning to the next Congress. Continue reading

Liz Cheney’s Agony

Cheney’s AgonyRichard McDonough – When I was an undergraduate in the late 1960s, I underwent a kind of transformative experience during a classroom debate with another student that I believed I was clearly winning when the philosophy professor corrected me.  He reminded me that when engaged in a philosophical debate, as opposed to the 9th grade Debating Challenge, the point is not simply to vanquish one’s opponent but to find the truth.

In order to do the former one may use any means fair or foul to destroy the opponent. For the latter one must do the exact opposite and represent one’s opponent’s position in the strongest terms possible. One represents the opponent’s position as charitably as possible, and only then attempts to refute that stronger position. Continue reading

President Trump calls for a review of the corrupt Obama White House

Joe Hoft – President Trump released a statement minutes ago where he calls out for the immediate release of Obama’s Chief of Staff’s emails before the 2017 Inauguration.

Here is the statement:

I immediately call for the release of all text messages sent to and from Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff during their attempt to overturn the 2016 Presidential Election. They spied on my campaign, they spied on my transition team, and they even spied on the White House while I was in the Oval Office. Continue reading