Two U.S. Senators state there’s no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia

evodemceRobert Laurie – Democrats are desperate to show something – anything – that proves a link between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russians. Every single left-wing media outlet has been focused on it while Dem-friendly surrogates, donors, and PACs have been searching for it. Democrat politicians, many with access to highly classified material, have made the accusations but still, to this day, there is simply no proof it ever happened.

That doesn’t stop them from getting in front of a camera and yakking about it, though.  “Russian hackers” somehow “interfered” with Hillary’s rightful ascension, and that cannot be tolerated.

Enter Dianne Feinstein.  Last week, she was on Wolf Blitzer’s show.  There, she was asked directly if she had any proof to support the left-wing conspiracy theories.

…She does not. Continue reading