Walking both of the worlds

Laura Walker – Walking both of the worlds – the overt and the numinous – is not a problem for wise owls. We are watching what Captain Mars and the Titans have going on with Mars opposition Saturn and Mars trine Chiron, and we are also on a journey of consciousness.

It isn’t just wise owls who are on the journey; it is everyone! We just happen to know it is going on. All of the dreams, wishes, hopes, and intentions of humanity at this time have been building up for almost two months now.

This is because we have been in two “Crescent” cycles and the inspiration of Spirit breaths into us while we wait. And wait. Essentially, we give over faith (or not try to be in control) on a time schedule. This year we had to wait two months instead of one. Continue reading

Shifting Gears into New Frequencies

shiftJennifer Hoffman –  If you have ever driven a car with a stick shift, you know that it requires a balanced combination of action and timing. I learned how to drive on a car with a manual transmission and it wasn’t an elegant process. At first, progress was measured in inches as I learned how to coordinate the clutch and gas pedals and shift gears, and the car died every few seconds. Now I can do it effortlessly and even though I have driven an automatic for years, I quickly master the manual drive after a few minutes in the car.

Before I go more deeply into this topic I want to suggest that the struggles with the shifting that energy transmissions require that we are having now are very much like this process and we need to remember what we already know in order to help this process proceed more smoothly. If we look at the process as an energy expanding re-calibration instead of a ‘start from the beginning’, it’s less frustrating and we will have a different perspective on the lack of motion, as well as the stops and starts.

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Cycle Endings and Beginnings

journey Jennifer Hoffman – We’re tempted to look for the end of every journey, especially if it has been challenging, as so much of this one has been. But we also think that at ‘the end’ there’s going to be an end to the strife and chaos and there can be, only if we turn the ‘end’ of a cycle into a new beginning and lift the energy we’re using to create our reality. It is a little like finishing one race to start another but with each new race we get a new mode of transportation.  So if our first race is on foot, then for the second we get a bicycle, and for the third we get a moped, and so on. Eventually we arrive at the super charged sports car so we can go around the track much faster, but we’re still going around the track of endings and beginnings, lessons and learning, as we move from healing to wholeness to congruence.

If we look at our lives in the full spectrum of all of our lifetimes, we can see all of the progress that we have made on the totality of our spiritual journey. Then all of the healing we have achieved is clear and our journey makes sense, has purpose, and we get its meaning. But if we look at only this lifetime then all we see is struggle and we think we’re crawling through it on our hands and knees, when we are actually going around the track much more quickly. The reason we feel this way is we think that the end of the journey is where we get to stop and then we get very disappointed, frustrated, and disillusioned when we realize that there is no end. There is, it’s just different than what we think.

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