Begin Now And Enjoy the Rest of the Ride

Begin Now And Enjoy the Rest of the RideDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving you the best of ourselves at all times. We only want to show up for you as the best of who and what we are, and we know that there are certain limitations built in to our dimension that only allow us to be at a certain frequency, but we accept that, and we consistently reach for that highest frequency that is possible for us.

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Are You Using the Power of Your Thoughts & Words for Good?

shamanismSusan Audrey – Most of us were told as children to think before we speak, but did you also learn to become aware of what you think?

Shamans believe we have the power to affect our bodies, minds, and souls –– and the plants, animals, and beings around us –– with our mere thoughts and words. We are all part of a great Web of Life.

And doing the inner work to become more aware of what we’re bringing to the world –– and how we may be affecting our lives and those of others –– is at the core of walking the shamanic path. Continue reading

Attune to 5D Consciousness and Expand Your Light Quotient

Attune to 5d Consciousness and Expand Your Light QuotientMarlene Swetlishoff – “Beloved Ones, I come on the wings of love! As you attune yourself to the new frequency levels, understand that you are those ones who are already operating in the fifth dimensional consciousness and even beyond, into the higher dimensions.

You are holding the higher vibrational frequency for the world and this is vital in the coming days, months and years. As your Light quotient has expanded your auric field, your Light has been affecting all those around you whether you have been aware of this or not.

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A Moment is Enough

A Moment is EnoughThe Angels – We have been working with you for some time to help you raise your vibration and trust your feelings as indicators of your guidance. As you move forward upon your earth, this will become increasingly important. You are learning to calibrate your energy, so you will clearly and quickly know what matches your vibration and what does not.

You are learning to be like a finely tuned radio, willing only to receive your chosen station. As you know, signals from many diverse sources bombard your radios – news broadcasts, weather, propaganda, opinions, music, entertainment, gardening, and so much more! However, if the radio is clearly tuned to a specific channel, then that is all it will receive and share. Continue reading

Choose to ride the joy waves

Choosing to ride the joy wavesThe Angels – There will always be things upon your earth to delight, and there will be things you can’t stand. As we’ve said many times, you get to choose in this buffet of experience and vibration. Are you going to focus on the rotten or the good, that which disgusts or delights, that which hurts or that which soothes?

It is a choice. If you were taught this as children, it would be easy to choose a focus on what feels better. However, most of you didn’t have this behavior modeled for you. When you were very young, you knew better. If you bumped your elbow or scraped your knee, you went crying for love. If a caring adult picked you up and soothed you, you didn’t stay hurt or sad for long. You enjoyed your Band-Aid and went back to play. In your innocence, you knew to reach for what felt better. Continue reading