Strange Deaths: Yet Another Banker Death, And A Bioterrorism Expert

deathJoseph P Farrell – Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be another banker jumping off the top of buildings, it has happened again, and in a strange context, for there has been a death of a bio-terrorism expert as well. Let’s take the banker death first, then the bioterrorism expert’s death, and then my “high octane speculation of the day.”

The following article and many like it were spotted by regular readers here and I received a number of versions of it from many people, so thank you to all of you who noticed this story. Here’s the New York Post version:

‘Depressed’ Wall Street exec jumps to his death

The article states that Mr. Kevin Bell, a 47 year old investment banker, had been depressed, on medications, and of course, jumped to his death. Implication: suicide because of “depression.” Nothing to see here, move along. My heart certainly goes out to his family.

This said, there is a disturbing pattern here, for the unfortunate Mr. Bell does fit a pattern we’ve seen elsewhere, of bankers in London, Paris, and Hong Kong walking off the rooftops or high balconies of buildings, or walking in front of trains, and so on. In one case, of course, we’ve seen the death of a banker in the mortgage business dying of several nails from a nail gun to the head. And in one instance, death by gunshot – ruled a suicide – even though the victim-shooter managed to put the gun that did the deed into the glovebox of his car, after the deed.

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