Journey of Remembering: Knowing Yourself as Source

Daniel Scranton – “We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the deepest amount of respect for all of you there on planet Earth, because it really is quite challenging to be there and to be able to know oneself as separate from Source. It is a bit of a magic trick to be able to have that lack of knowing of who you really are. And we are also a bit envious of you at this time, because you now get to have the journey of remembering who you really are and truly knowing yourselves as Source as though it is for the first time. Continue reading

Love, Intention, and the Soul’s Knowing

Cave Beach -This amazing cave-like beach is located in Algarve, Portugal.

Peter Borys, Jr. – The power of intention both begins and manifests with love.  Divine love is the creative force that emanates all into existence throughout all dimensions. Loving intention is beyond mind. It is within the knowing soul and Divine feeling energy through the heart and body.

Thought and emotional energy are part of the lower mind’s direction, overlays, and filters in a 3D duality world.  These secondary energetic frequencies can be a general guide and a sense of boundary protection, but they are not the soul’s knowing and intention.

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Align Your Focus and Orientation in Planetary Transformation

planetary transformationOpen – The accelerating shift is driving everything that’s happening on our planet right now, including the shadow’s ever shape-shifting attempts to control it: with first this drama and then that. It’s easy to get drawn in, as you feel compassion for the innocents caught up in it. This is where we need to be crystal clear on our focus and orientation through this great planetary transformation that’s unfolding.

Infinite Creative Potential Exists Inside You

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The Waters Are Rising ….

Lorna Bevan – Unusually, we are heading into one of those rare weeks when all the planets are moving forward and there is a brief surface lull after the storm of February 16th‘s potent Leo Full Moon with its extreme weather events, power plays and reckonings-many of which are still being played out behind the scenes.

That said, as Mars and Venus approach an exact conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, East/West hostilities are poised on a knife edge of extreme volatility. Continue reading

The Next Big Bang – Human Consciousness and the Universe’s Ultimate Secret

The stream of human knowledge is heading toward a non-physical reality. The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine. – Sir James Jeans

universeJim Stempel – For at least two hundred years science has been telling us that any ideas of spirituality we might hold dear are little more than ignorant leftovers of a superstitious past – foolish relics. But the truth is, physics itself, that most foundational of all sciences, has now progressed far beyond that initial, dismissive assessment, to a conceptual worldview far more accepting of spirituality than ever before.

To grasp the nuts and bolts of this new science, then, is to understand the nuts and bolts that support a new, evolving and far more sophisticated grasp of spirit than has ever before been available to us.

This new conceptual framework is absolutely critical to our grasp of spirit, and, frankly, for those previously unfamiliar with the discoveries of modern physics, this new framework may at first seem nothing short of “other worldly” itself – as the old saying goes, the truth can at times be far stranger than fiction. So let’s start by taking a close look at what the new physics has to tell us. Continue reading