Oracle Report ~ Thursday, February 11, 2016


Crescent Moon in Aries: challenge, perseverance

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: recognize the teaching that is being delivered

True Alignments:  brainstorming that remains focused, periodically retreating to the inner world, turning from the status quo and old paradigms, putting things together, seeing the truth, performing a duty, passionate beliefs, defiance that is honorable because it holds to true values, unimpeded, courage to act, taming powerful emotional responses

Catalysts for Change: difficulties discerning, going against one’s morals, extremes in mood and rapid shifts in mood, issues with feeling vulnerable, trying to gain sympathy, need to be the center of attention, frozen, denying value or not adhering to values, putting pressure on something, wanting what is unworthy to be worthy (denial)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a large white dove bearing a message” (messages and information delivered; a wave of peace enters)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (the recalibration of human consciousness)

Today, an important message, insight, or understanding tries to get our attention.  This may come about through something or someone (maybe you) going beyond the normal limit, above and beyond the regular routine, and outside of the box of everyday operations.  The Sun is discharging the energy of “a big bear sitting down waving all of its paws.”

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If Knowledge Is Power, Is It Also Wealth?

housingCharles Hugh Smith – Let’s consider a syllogism: Knowledge is power, power equals wealth, so knowledge equals wealth.

Is this true? Author George Gilder thinks so. His book  Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How it is Revolutionizing our World, proposes that (in Bill Bonner’s apt phrase) “the economy is fundamentally a learning system, not a way for distributing wealth.”

In Gilder’s view, new information (i.e. knowledge) enables us to do things better, i.e. increase productivity. New knowledge is what creates value.

New knowledge is always surprising, and it naturally disrupts “business as usual.” So those earning money from business as usual must suppress the disruption arising from new knowledge to maintain their incomes/profits.

Bonner summarizes the conflict between vested interests (cronies and zombies) and those with new knowledge in this lively fashion: “In an economy, the person who is the source of most important new information is the entrepreneur. He is the fellow who takes risks and builds a new business.

The cronies want to stop him, before he undermines the value of their old assets and old business models with new information. The zombies want to drag him down, leeching on him so greedily that he runs out of energy.”

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, August 20, 2015

knowledgeCrescent Moon in Scorpio: challenge, perseverance

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairavi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South)

Skill: see what is coming into form or bring things into form

True Alignments: many options and possibilities, reaching out, putting knowledge and wisdom into action, creating form and structure, stepping back and gaining perspective, going below the surface, growing things, preparation, stability, heritage

Catalysts for Change:  superficial, judgmental, mood swings, self-sacrifice, escapism, pretending to be “deep,” uncoordinated efforts, difficulty accepting truth, too much chatter, giving unwanted advice, confused by choices, elitism, egocentric

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “the music of the spheres”

The Sun released a coronal mass ejection from a C3-class solar flare today at 1:27 am ET/5:27 am UT.  Since it has been a while since we’ve had a CME, new readers (wise owls) see that we look at the position of the Moon at the time of the CME to understand the nature of the energy that was amplified (via the electric universe) with the blast.

The Moon was located at 28 Libra 02 and the Sabian symbol for 29 Libra: “mankind’s vast enduring effort to reach for knowledge transferable from generation to generation — knowledge.”  This symbol is about outreach, awareness, and the continuation of heritage. We come together or unify when we have knowledge and understanding. Continue reading

The Pretense Of Knowledge

Frederich A Hayek, economist
Frederich A Hayek, economist

Friedrich Hayek was the founder of the Mont Pelerin Society. (The pseudonym used by this author derives from that group.) Hayek was a remarkable intellectual, doing path-breaking work in several areas, primarily economics and political science. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics in 1974.  “The Pretense of Knowledge” was the title of his Nobel address. These four words capture the problems that remain with us today. Government believes and acts as if it possesses knowledge which no single entity can possibly possess. It is the pretense of all central planners.

Richard Ebeling is an Austrian economist who provided this article about Friedrich Hayek at The Daily Bell. Read it to appreciate the man and his contributions. If possible, email it to Paul Krugman and his ilk so that they may become more informed about economics. As an aside, Hayek’s final book (published posthumously from Hayek’s notes) was entitled The Fatal Conceit, a title meant to describe those who believed society could be “improved” by social engineers and central planners.

December 02, 2014

Editorial By Richard Ebeling ~ Forty years ago, on December 11, 1974, Austrian economist Friedrich A. Hayek formally received that year’s Nobel Prize in Economics at the official ceremonies in Stockholm, Sweden. He delivered a lecture called, “The Pretense of Knowledge,” which forcefully challenged all those who believe that government has the wisdom or ability to successfully plan the economic affairs of society.

His primary targets were the Keynesian economists at that time who were confident that they could micro-manage the “macro-economy” to assure full employment, economic growth and market stability. His more general antagonists were all those social engineers who wished to redesign and regulate society through the coercive agency of government.

Hayek’s Role in Fighting Keynesianism and Socialism

Hayek was awarded the Nobel Prize that year for his contributions over many decades to the understanding of inflations and depressions, and his writings on the nature and workings of society as a “spontaneous order” of evolution and development independent of political control and manipulation.

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The Power-Action Formula

“Our fear of misusing our power can block us from acknowledging that we can be powerful because we think that by using our power we hurt others. It isn’t possible for us to hurt anyone because everyone is sovereign in their own life and everyone has equal access to power. What they, and we, do with their power is a choice and everyone chooses differently.” J Hoffman

jenniferhoffmanAs I was driving my car last week I had a flashback to my first car, which did not have power steering. I don’t think you can buy a car without power steering today, but a few decades ago it was a fairly expensive option that was available on luxury car models. Without power steering you really had to turn the wheel, with both hands, to negotiate tight turns. But moving to power steering means you have to remember the power is there and not work so hard to steer or you will oversteer the car and create more problems. Power, by itself, is not very useful and we need to activate our power action formula to feel and be powerful in a manageable, effective, heart-ful way.

I remember the first time I drove a car with power steering, and how I would always oversteer because I was so used to having to turn the wheel so hard. This makes me think of the path we have been on and how much it has changed. We now have access to more of our power but we’re still not used to it, so we oversteer, work too hard, think too much, and create more work for ourselves. We’re powered up but not quite used to our power and yet, throughout this journey, it has been the only consistent thing we had available to us, even if we thought it was an expensive, limited and exclusive option. But by itself, power isn’t effective by itself, we need to activate our power action formula, which is the combination of power, courage, intention, and action. Continue reading