How to Lace Boots

lacing bootsYes, boots are a really important part when it comes to the gear a soldier is wearing. A good pair of tactical combat boots can help protect a soldier’s feet from shrapnel, the cold, moisture, twisted ankles, and so much more.

Most people don’t know that the boot is an integral part of a soldier’s gear, but it most definitely is. What you may also not know is that lacing boots the right way is also very important, and it can make a big difference in terms of comfort. How to lace boots the right way is what we are here to figure out. There are several tactical boot lacing methods which we will discuss here, with the most popular and useful method coming first.

Ladder Lacing Method

When it comes down to it, the method of lacing boots which is most often used for tactical boots is the ladder lacing method. Now, this method of lacing boots is a bit complicated and it takes practice to do it well, but it is also the most supportive, and support is very important with this kind of thing. Let’s go over a step-by-step method of how to lace your boots the ladder way. Continue reading