Secret Spy Link Between Fusion Centers And Private Sector Exposed [Video]

TheAlexJonesChannel  March 7 2014 (Thanks, Minty)

Local law enforcement across the country are employing high-tech control grid surveillance technology to “stop crime”. This doesn’t make sense considering most US cities are enjoying a huge drop in violent crime. The truth is, police (and private sector businesses) are assisting in the implementation of a total surveillance panopticon meant to control the American public.


For more info see this Special Report from InfoWars

Morgan Little ~ Email Privacy Bill Passes Committee In The Senate

Los Angeles Times | November 29 2012 | Thanks, Minty

The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved legislationrequiring that police obtain a search warrant to gain access to private emails and other forms of electronic communication.

The bill, championed by committee Chairman Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), updates legislation developed before the widespread adoption of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol that forms the backbone of modern email networks, let alone Facebook or Twitter.

Privacy advocates, such as the ACLU, applauded the vote.

“This is an important gain for privacy,” ACLU legislative counsel Chris Calabrese said in a statement. “We believe law enforcement should use the same standard to search your inbox that they do to search your home.”

And Electronic Frontier Foundation staff attorney Lee Tien described the vote as “a strong message to the Department of Justice that our digital 4th Amendment rights don’t expire after six months.”

But Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking Republican on the committee, was critical of the bill, calling for a more open debate and input from more interested parties from both sides.

“Given that the House isn’t going to take this bill up, we should work to ensure we strike the proper balance between privacy and safety, just as we did in 1986 when we first passed ECPA,” the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, he said.

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Disarmament: You First

The Jeenyus Corner | September 27 2012

It’s common for those who take misnamed “public service” jobs to do so because they genuinely want to help people. Somewhere along the line each officer of the State must realize and come to terms that he or she is employed not to protect the public but to serve the state.

Once they realize their true function is as a fee collector along side the highway or enforcing absurdities that the state insists are law, some leave and go in to genuine public service. Emergency medical, fire or some look for promotions away from direct public contact. However most accept the logical fallacy they work under and continue to enforce the will of the state.

They engage in this cognitive dissonance by playing mind games with themselves to justify the crimes they commit by thinking of the genuinely evil people they occasionally do remove from society. All the while ignoring the harm they have caused. A few broken eggs for the omelet perhaps…

In my 42 years, I have experienced many encounters with the police. Some were violent and few were benign. Once I understood the true purpose of the modern police force, their unquestionable, unique and monopolistic powers, I came to the unavoidable conclusion that no matter how well intentioned the individual, the very system itself is a cancer on a any society that means to be free.

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