The Law of One And The Golden Age of Atlantis

  The Law of One And The Golden Age of AtlantisJames Tyberonn – Edgar Cayce remains perhaps the most credible and genuine ‘channelers’ of the past 150 years. His medical readings and past life, past civilization readings are acclaimed and studied by millions at his institute, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The executive director for the A.R.E is the esteemed John Van Auken. He has written over 25 books on Edgar Cayce’s readings, and was involved in the Atlantis Research project. He will be one of the featured speakers at the 12-12-12 and will speak on ‘Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis’. Continue reading

The Law Of One & The Golden Age Of Atlantis

The Law of OneJames Tyberonn – Edgar Cayce is the most credible and genuine ‘channelers’ of not only the past century, but perhaps the past millennia. His medical, past life, past civilization readings are acclaimed and studied by millions at his institute, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The executive director for the A.R.E is the esteemed John Van Auken. He has written over 30 incredible books on Edgar Cayce’s readings, and was involved in the Atlantis Research project. He will be one of the featured speakers at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Gathering in May 2014 at Scottsdale and Sedona, Arizona. Continue reading

Restoring Energetic Balance

energeticLisa Renee – Over the last six months our planet has been integrating the flow of divine fire-water, a Universal Liquid light plasma, transmitted through the Universal Golden Gate which opened during the Sun’s intersection with the Ophiuchus constellation. This transmission has felt like a pressure for many of us, to address personal and planetary imbalances.  Some of us may feel we have surrendered it all, only to find during the last six months, that there is yet another level of reveal.  Revelations are also happening for extra-dimensionals, who have been siphoning resources, and are now being shown the door.  There is more support to dig deep, to heal unresolved wounds and to Restore Energetic Balance at this time, as a new age is upon us.

This Golden Gate to Eternal Life opens at the end of Precession Cycles and begins to pour Universal Elixir out, which inspirits the many dimensions and finally grounds its living consciousness into the matter worlds. The Krystal Waters are the eternal living waters sprung forth in the first eternal creation, which descend the heavenly spirit to embody into physical matter.  During the ninth stage of the Galactic Zodiac of Ophiuchus, this transmission influenced the archetype of the sacred wound healer during humanities spiritual ascension. This means all internal wounds, gender or sexual issues and energetic imbalances come to the surface to be observed.

The unresolved emotional conflicts or pain body issues, concerning the sacred wounds, will be amplified in our conscious mind awareness and also reflected in the collective consciousness patterns. In order to Restore Energetic Balance to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves, we have to see the energetic imbalances, in both the macrocosm and microcosm.  This acts as the catalyst to increase our effort and intention to heal these imbalances in ourselves.  Generally this effort happens when we do not want to feel pain anymore. We then inquire on the nature of the pain and take steps to heal our pain body.

Many of us may notice imbalances from past cycles coming into our current awareness, through family issues or people from our past contacting us for resolution, and completion.  This is a timeline bleed-through of many intersections meeting together, into the singularity point. We are in cycles of beginnings and endings, recent milestones have changed events which align us to new potentials for our future on planet earth.

The key theme now is Restoring Energetic Balance to the primary situations and relationships in our lives as we connect into the singularity. During this time, we may be yielding the positive or negative energy harvest of our accumulated actions and behaviors in the previous timeline. If we are not paying attention to internal changes that need to happen to keep growing and move to the next stage of our progressive timeline, this can show itself as static or dead energy, which manifests as disease patterns in the body. Continue reading