The Law of Attraction (Part 3)

James Tyberonn | Earth Keeper
December 6 2011

Dear Ones, there is the science behind the Law of Attraction, and that science is the Law of Belief. The Law of Belief governs what you create in your lives. Within the Law of Belief are the addenda of the life ‘set ups’ you plan and contract to yourself for growth. Indeed the lessons you self arrange are met through your confrontation and disciplined effort.

It is therefore essential that you fully realize that you are never at the mercy of events, you are not helplessly fated to face the unexplainable like a ship lost at sea. Masters, neither psychological events nor physical events have control over you.

When you humans fully comprehend the vast capacity of your brain to hold a diversity of conclusive beliefs associated with your experiences, you will see that you have an infinite array of choices.

But for those of you stuck in old patterns and limiting beliefs, you are mired in a repetitive cycle of predetermined responses, including the propensity to block new solutions through denial of better thinking. In that sense if you do not learn from past errors, you are self- fated to repeat them. Indeed you will repeat the cycle until you learn how the process of achieving Divine Mind functions. That is true for all humans.

You must challenge yourself to break free.

Three Laws

There are three separately governed processes under the Law of Attraction. The three have succinctly different criteria for achievement. Let us define the primary aspect of each Law:

** The Law of Attraction – Thoughts have a frequency and attract like frequencies

** The Law of Belief : Knowing beyond doubt. You can only manifest what you believe is possible

** The Law of Conscious Creation: The conscious ability to focally manifest objectives & events via multidimensional mind in Mer-Ka-Na.

Soul Contract Set-Up

And so we again stress emphatically that it is your beliefs that are projected to form your individual and group reality.

As we have discussed in the previous messages on this topic, there are scenarios planned by your higher self, your Divine Mind aspect, that may be termed ‘set-ups’ or soul-contracts that you yourself have chosen as growth lessons to assist you in moving into greater wisdom.

With that reminder in hand, we also tell you that ‘karma’ in your terms, is not a debt owed to one from another, in the higher sense. Rather it is ever to the Self, it is balancing the Divine Self.

Let us also assert that if you have a goal or objective in 3d that would conflict with higher self, it will not in most cases be manifest, unless it is chosen as a growth lesson. For example if a human desires wealth, and that wealth would either be misused or stop the growth process, the higher self may reject such a desire from manifesting. In some cases, humans who have all of their 3d material ‘needs’ met, are less compelled to search for expansion.

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