The Real Benefits of Lemon Water According to Science

The Real Benefits of Lemon Water According to ScienceSayer Ji – Lemon water sounds like a good idea, and you’ve probably seen pictures on Pinterest of large pitchers of water with vibrant lemons and the top 10 reasons why you should be drinking it.

It’s easy to take these images and lists at face value, and most won’t end up actually drinking lemon water regularly, rather be able tell their friends the top 10 reasons lemon water is good for you. Continue reading

Kick the Coffee: Healthy Replacements for Your Mind & Body

Matcha Tea

According to statistics, the amount of coffee drinkers is on the rise, hitting its highest level in six years. The National Coffee Association has determined through its own survey that a whopping 64% of Americans enjoy at least one cup of coffee each day. If you’re included in that statistic of coffee drinkers, then there is also a large chance that you’re drinking more than one cup of Joe a day. Over time, it becomes a habit and can become your drink of choice.

So, what’s wrong with drinking a lot of coffee, besides the financial aspect if you’re the type that opts for the fancy coffee shop brews? Well, too much coffee is actually harmful to your health, as it has to do with too much caffeine. If you hit the point of too much caffeine, you can start to feel anxious, nervous, or jittery, and it can cause stomach aches, a fast heart rate, bad sleeping habits, loose bowel movements, and headaches. Continue reading

Boil Lemons In The Evening And Drink The Liquid Upon Awakening

lemon waterFamily Health Freedom Network –  You’ve probably already heard of the benefits of drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning. What you may not know is there is actually an even better way to prepare lemon water in order to extract maximum benefit.

The secret to accessing all of the lemon’s powerful nutritional benefit is to use the entire lemon – skin, pulp, seed, and juice. Some highly beneficial nutrients are  contained, for example, in lemon peel. In fact certain nutrients contained at 5 – 10 times higher levels in the peel than in the juice. These include calcium, potassium, magnesium, beta carotene, folate, vitamin C and vitamin A.

Health Benefits Of Using Lemon With Peel

1. Cancer fighter

Lemon peel contains Salvestrol Q40 and limonene, substances with the ability to eliminate toxins and carcinogens from the body. The flavonoids in lemon peel have the ability to suppress cell division of cancerous cells.

2. Improve Bone Health

Vitamin C in lemon peels is crucial when it comes to improving and maintaining bone health. Osteoporosis, inflammatory polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and many other conditions can be prevented just by the consumption of lemon peel.

3. Protect Heart Health

Lemon peels contain polyphenol flavonoids which help your system lower the levels of the bad cholesterol (LDL). Moreover, they also contain vitamin B and C which clean the blood vessels and protect from conditions related to high blood pressure – e.g., diabetic heart disease.

Whole Lemon Water Recipe

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