The Real Benefits of Lemon Water According to Science

The Real Benefits of Lemon Water According to ScienceSayer Ji – Lemon water sounds like a good idea, and you’ve probably seen pictures on Pinterest of large pitchers of water with vibrant lemons and the top 10 reasons why you should be drinking it.

It’s easy to take these images and lists at face value, and most won’t end up actually drinking lemon water regularly, rather be able tell their friends the top 10 reasons lemon water is good for you. Continue reading

Drink THIS First Thing in the Morning

This daily drink can help you detoxify, improve your digestion and boost your metabolism & energy levels

lemonMike Geary – You’re bombarded with toxins in today’s modern world… everywhere from the polluted air you breathe, the water you drink, the shampoos and other cosmetics that lather your body with chemicals, and of course, all of the chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other harmful compounds in the food that you eat.

All of these TOXINS can have harmful effects on your body, harming your metabolism and hormones, impairing your digestive system, and zapping your energy levels.

If I could tell you ONE thing that you could do each morning right as you wake up to help your body eliminate some of these toxins, improve your digestion, stimulate your metabolism, and BOOST your energy, would you do it?

Of course you would… and it takes less than 1 minute!

Here’s the trick… Continue reading

3 Ways Citrus And Vitamin C Can Help Reverse Signs Of Aging

NaturalSociety  November15 2013

CitrusEveryone ages different as they get older. While some people are comfortable growing old gracefully, there are others who think there’s nothing graceful about it, fighting wrinkles and sagginess with everything they’ve got. Fortunately, you may have some worthwhile solutions to halt and reverse sign of aging in your refrigerator right now—in the form of citrus fruits, juices, and even vitamin C supplements.

Citrus fruits– including oranges, lemons, and grapefruits—are loaded with vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant protects cells from damage by free radicals in the air and in our bodies. One way we can get the most benefits from citrus fruits is by eating them to increase our vitamin C consumption. Linked to numerous health benefits including improved brain health, fertility, heart health, and more, you should always keep a good supply of vitamin C rich citrus fruits around.

Vitamin C can also help by preventing wrinkles and fine lines from the inside out. As we age, the collagen under our skin begins to lose elasticity and begins to decrease in volume overall. This leads to wrinkles and lines. Vitamin C, like that found in citrus fruits, can help combat this process.