Vegan Gluten-Free Lentil Lasagne With Cashew Cream Sauce (Yummy Recipe)

Wake Up World  March 6 2014

Trinity Bourne
Trinity Bourne

This gluten free, vegan lasagne is a fantastic alternative to the meaty, diary laden versions. It’s tasty, filling and full of healthy protein and nutritional goodness.

In this version I use twirly rice fusilli pasta instead of flat lasagne pasta sheets. You can, of course, buy pasta sheets and use them instead. Gluten free pasta sheets are more specialist and expensive (here in the UK at least) so I prefer to use fusilli. Any good health food store should have gluten free pasta – use whatever you can find.

I felt quite excited at having a creamy ‘cheese’ type sauce on top too, and opted for cashew sauce which, with it’s rich creaminess, works lovely as a dairy-free sauce alternative. After baking in the oven for 40 minutes it gives a pleasant rich crispy ‘can’t-quite-guess-what-it-is-but-I-like-it‘ effect.

This dish works for gluten-free vegans and regular eaters alike. We enjoy this with a hearty green salad.

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