False Light Versus Self-Realisation

photographer Eva

Louisa Love –  I guess you could say I’ve always been a seeker of truth. Never satisfied with the opinions of others, and unable to find any sense in man made religioun, I began my inner spiritual healing journey during my mid twenties when I became physically ill with an auto-immune disorder. This illness forced me to purify my physical body, which in turn assisted me in purifying my mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

In the beginning of my search I got a little lost in New Age false ‘love and light’ teachings that pulled me out of my body into premature ‘bliss’. I was only reaching for the highs, and avoided all negativity.

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Overcome the Lesson by Re-Purposing the Energy

lessonsJennifer Hoffman – How do we overcome the challenges of our life lessons? When do we get to the point where they are no longer obstacles to our growth, transformation, and joy? What can we do to make that process happen so we can get on with this ascension journey and have the joyful, abundant, peaceful lives that we crave? The answer is simple – we re-purpose the energy of the lessons so rather than repeating the past, we create a new and different outcome in the present. Lessons do not go away; they just transcend the karma to create a new level of divinity.

While we want to ensure that we ‘learn our lessons’ in this lifetime, mainly because we don’t want to have to repeat the lessons again, we also want them to end because they are painful, difficult, and make us unhappy. So we slog through them hoping to overcome their karmic past and energy. And we do that by trying to get the other person or people to change – we try to heal them and think that this is what we’re supposed to do. Then once they are healed, the lessons are over and we can all move on. Continue reading

Open the doorway

experienceThe Angels – There is, within your hearts, a tiny spot that you can think of as a doorway to the universe. You call this your “spark of the Divine” but in reality you are all “sparks of the Divine.” There is nothing outside of Divine love.

Nonetheless, you experience yourselves in a physical reality. You experience yourselves as separate. Although you expand into universes and melt into oneness in much the same was as a wave expands and melts into the ocean, it is challenging to experience this reality.

When you do touch upon the experience of this truth, you start to remember who you are. Your problems are seen as they truly are – lessons or illusions. You receive answers. You feel comforted, and emerge more confident.

This is why so many of you meditate. This is why you love to be in love. This is why you enjoy nature, singing, creating, or whatever it is you love. Love is expansive. Love immerses you in the present moment. Love takes you temporarily outside of time and into the Presence of a greater Love. It doesn’t matter whether or not you love yourself, another, a sunset, or your ice cream… Love is the truth that removes you from all illusions.

Human love, for any of these things, is fleeting and depends on its object. Divine love, like the ocean is always waiting for you to sink back into it and relax into its embrace.

There are many methods to experience this love. There are many doorways. One is through the point in the center of your chest, that tiny doorway in the energetic heart.

Take a breath. See if you can imagine or feel a tiny spark of light inside of the center of your chest, just to the right of the physical heart. Focus on it with your imagination.

To open that doorway, imagine anything or anyone you love, great or small. The feeling is what matters. Focus on the love. Focus on that tiny point of light in your heart. If you like, close your eyes and take a moment to feel the love activate that energy in your heart.

As you feel this love, imagine it spiraling outward and filling you. You are turning to light. You relax into it. You don’t have to do a thing. You simply allow it to expand within you, fill you, flow through you and correct any ills, any upsets, or entangled thoughts. Just sit, breathe, and allow the light to flow through the heart and expand within you.

That light is always there. In truth, it is always flowing through you. However, by using exercises like these you allow your mind to stop resisting the experience. You start to become aware of the light that is already there. You start to feel it. You allow it to flood into your “experience” of reality and it starts to give you a happier, and healthier experience of life as well.

Dear ones we love you. Allow yourself the experience of this eternal and constant love, and it will improve your life as well as pour forth into the lives of those you touch. “Growth” could not be simpler!”

SF Source  Visions of Heaven Jul 2017

Choose your classes

lessonsThe Angels – For eons your planet earth has seen the coming and going of civilizations. It has seen the cycles of warmth and cold, cycles of oceans receding and growing larger. In very much the same way that the classes repeat year after year in a school, even though the students change and grow, your earth offers many lessons over and over for the sake of your soul’s education. The teachers change. The situations differ. Nonetheless, through time immemorial, the classes have been the same.

There are classes of delight, and classes of suffering. There are classes of health and well-being, and classes of pain. As you learn to master your minds and focus upon that which you want, you are drawn into the classes that match your happier vibration.

Never in your existence is there ever a lesson that does not match your vibration. You know this and yet so many of you ask us the same question. “Why do bad things happen to good people. I’m a nice person. Why do bad things happen to me?”

At some level of your being “being nice” might include the mistaken notion that you have to give more to others, than to self, that you have to sacrifice yourself, that you are not worthy of an easy, graceful, and beautiful life as long as there are other suffering around you. Continue reading

Lessons to learn and traps to avoid

Pavithra – This month’s topic is something that I have been wanting to write for a long time. I would like to invite you to consider where you are in your journey in relation to this discussion.

Pain as a way to awaken

lessonsNormally for most of us, the process of awakening comes in with pain and hardships that were placed in our path to show us that the choices we have made and where we are going and what we are doing is not supporting to us and our overall growth as a spirit being. Continue reading