How To Let Go Of The Struggle In Manifestation

Andrea Schulman – Do you know how to let go of the struggle when trying to manifest something new? Letting go is perhaps the most important part of the manifestation process. This is especially true when it comes to the big dreams.

letting goBecause letting go is often a counterintuitive subject, I wanted to take a moment to explain the importance of it, and how to do it.

Lots of people believe that if they “let go” of their dreams, the dreams will not come to them.  They believe that in order to make the Law of Attraction work for these dreams, they must focus, focus, focus on what they want.

Now, focus CAN work, but it’s very important to understand that focus only works when it is accompanied with positive expectation.

When you pair focus with negative expectation, all you are focusing on is the fact that you don’t believe you are going to get what you want! Focusing on something you don’t believe you can have will result in you not receiving it.

So, what’s a conscious creator to do when he or she can’t focus on a subject in positive anticipation?

LET GO.  Honestly, you’ve got to let go.

Why let go of the struggle?

Holding on to a dream that is making you feel insecure, worried, anxious, angry or sad will not work for you.  You’ve got to let it go. Continue reading

Doreen Virtue’s Angel Messages For Dec 28 2015 – Jan 3, 2016 [Video]

It’s a week of moving forward fearlessly, and letting go of former fears. Previous worries about lack are replaced with your clear decision to go for it. Major life changes for you are on the horizon this week.

In some cases, you may move forward because life pushes you that way, or because you have no other choice. You’re going through an energy reassignment, where you are shifting where you live and work, so that situations are a better match for you.

As we enter the new year, the cards show that you’ll be deciding to make big life changes for yourself personally. You will be more excited about these changes, rather than nervous about change.

Doreen is working with the Archangel Power Tarot Cards, available at bookstores and app stores worldwide, including at:

SF Source Doreen Virtue

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Letting Go Of The Past

christmasTreeHappy Solstice and Merry Christmas! …and a happy Hunukkah, Hare Krishna, or whatever greeting is most meaningful to you.

Today, I want to talk about the ending of cycles and the preparation for new beginnings. This is always an appropriate time of the year to bring up this subject. It is also appropriate for those of us who are completing a second Saturn return, and it is the two-year anniversary of the shift of the ages, which occurred on 21 December 2014.

Looking at the world situation, it is obvious, to me at least, that the world is going through the inevitable upheaval that accompanies the transition from one age into another. The key to a smooth and enjoyable transition is to willingly and gracefully let go of the past. For most of us, this is not easy, but it is a requirement if we are to move onto the path of ascension. Whether we are merely raising our consciousness, or fully intending to build our crystal light bodies, letting go of resistance is the key, and most, if not all resistance comes from hanging on to the past.

In many places, this is the Christmas season, with lights on houses, santa and his sleigh, presents under the tree, nativity scenes, and much more. The focus for most turns to family, get-togethers for the holidays, seeing people we haven’t seen for awhile, etc. Continue reading