Avoiding a Savage Destruction of This Nation

Avoiding a Savage Destruction of This NationRabbi Michael Barclay – It’s easy to like or to hate Michael Savage; but with 2 master’s degrees, a PhD from UC Berkeley, and having authored 44 books, his intelligence is undeniable.  In his 2003 bestselling book, The Savage Nation, he clarifies the war from the left on “borders, language, and culture”.  Twenty years later,  we all need to truly look at the destruction our society is experiencing and evaluate not only if Dr. Savage’s analysis two decades ago is accurate, but what can be done about it.

I will leave the issue of borders to more political commentators and focus on the other two values of culture and language.  These are the roots of Western Civilization, and if we look even briefly, we can see how they have been co-opted by the far left into what is clearly destroying society, as we have known it for centuries. Continue reading

America Is More Fragile Than the Left Understands

America Is More Fragile Than the Left UnderstandsVictor Davis Hanson – The Left has been tempting fate since January 2021—applying its nihilist medicine to America on the premise that such a rich patient can ride out any toxic shock.

Our elites assume that all our nation’s past violent protests, all its would-be revolutions, all its cultural upheavals, all its institutionalized lawlessness were predicated on one central truth—America’s central core is so strong, so rich, and so resilient that it can withstand almost any assault.

So, we can afford 120 days in 2020 of mass rioting, $2 billion in damage, some 35 killed, and 1,500 police injured. Continue reading