Good News and Bad News about Our Age of Lies

Good News and Bad News about Our Age of LiesMark Landsbaum – I’ve got good news and bad.  I’d apologize for the bad except we all need to know it.  It’s better to temporarily discourage people with the truth than to lie to give them false hope.  Lies have limited shelf life.  Sooner or later, they are exposed.

The good news is that those lying to you today will be revealed as frauds.  The bad news is, that may be just the beginning of the story.

Sadly, fraud is the byword of our world.  The vaccine is safe and effective.  COVID is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.  Two weeks to flatten the curve.  It was mostly a peaceful protest.  I am not a crook.  I did not have sex with that woman. Continue reading

When Rulers’ Lies Come in Battalions Chantrill – Says Theodore Roosevelt Malloch at American Greatness:

“The Left… now controls all the centers of power and the commanding heights of the world economy… You can’t disagree with it or you are a kook or insurrectionist.”

It would be great if, while controlling “all the centers of power and the commanding heights of the world economy,” our rulers were selling us a Narrative that had the ring of truth, where it was possible to swallow their pablum without vomiting it up. Continue reading

Mind Your Manners, Mind Your Lies

Mind Your Manners, Mind Your LiesJeremy Egerer – Jesus said the truth will set you free, and it will — from friends.  I’m not saying go out and con all your friends, but the truth is that nobody wants to say the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and that’s why we make people swear they will.  But mainly on the witness stand, and then only under threat of legal punishment.

“Truth” is a much bigger concept than human relations.  It has to do with your relationship with reality.  When you don’t believe in reality, you can’t live successfully.  When you believe the wrong things about a person, it’s possible to screw up — but in society, it most usually makes things go better.  At least if people believe the right wrong things. Continue reading

Will J6 Be Remembered More Like the Boston Massacre?

Jan 6 insurrectionJ B Shurk – I get so ticked off whenever our contemptible congress critters or their praetorian propagandists in the press call J6 an “insurrection.”  Did the world really witness a bunch of rowdy Americans try to overthrow the U.S. government on January 6, 2021?

Would some of the country’s strongest defenders of the right to bear arms really show up for battle bearing none?  Did anybody in that crowd — many of whom were retirees welcomed into the Capitol Building by Capitol Police — actually believe that an “insurrection” was taking place?

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Divorced From the Truth; Wedded to the Lies They Have Been Told

Jeff M. Lewis – I don’t know if I have ever seen people, some of whom are my family and friends, so wedded to the lies they have been told they are unable to recognize the truth. The past couple of weeks we have seen a handful of events in the news that are proof of my stated premise. It is just astounding to watch.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

At this writing, the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial has not been rendered, so the defendant is still in serious legal jeopardy and the jury could find him guilty. Within the past week, however, we have seen an incredible turn of events that has brought out an increased level of vitriol and fervor from those who favor a guilty verdict.

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