Scientists ‘Confirm’ Life After Death Exists With Ground-Breaking Study

Yasmin Jeffery – Experts have discovered consciousness persists even once a person’s heart has stopped beating.

Death is an inevitable consequence of life, but scientists believe they may have found some light at the end of the tunnel.

Life after death has been “confirmed” by experts who say consciousness continues even once a person’s heart has stopped beating. Continue reading

Miraculous Extradimensional Healing

colorsDeans M. – I was in a rollover accident on a busy major highway, on my way home from a two day shopping trip.

Traveling with my dog, after the car had rolled and was upside down, I screamed and panicked for my dog’s safety. Not knowing that I had been injured, I heard my dog climb over broken glass and run out onto the highway.

As the paramedics worked on me, I kept pleading for someone to find my dog. I did not care what happened to me, I just knew if they let me up, I could call him back, and then I would go to the hospital if they wanted. Continue reading

Do We ‘Exist’ Before We Are Born?

soulArjun Walia – Does life exist before birth? This is a question that’s been contemplated for thousands of years. In the Socratic dialogue, Meno by Plato, the character Socrates attempts to prove that life exists before birth. Instead of innate knowledge that we are simply born with, knowledge that simply comes naturally to us, Plato relies on prenatal knowledge to explain our ability to solve problems in mathematics and philosophy, and suggests that we must have known the answers to these problems all along.

Plato, among many others, was convinced that there were such things as absolute beauty and truths. He believed that what we call the ‘soul’ was eternal, and that all knowledge was simply a form of remembering things that our soul knew before birth. To explain his view, he wrote the parable of the cave, where people are sitting around a fire watching shadows of the outside manifest themselves on the wall of the cave. For their entire life, they watched these reflections, and to them, it was a representation of the real world. One day they ventured out of the cave, and the real world was finally revealed to them. Continue reading

The Puzzle of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)

NDEsSteve Taylor, Ph.D. – Several years ago, I worked with a college tutor called John, who had a heart transplant in 1992. During the operation, he was surprised to suddenly find himself awake and alert, looking down on his own body from above.

He could see the surgeon and the nurses performing the procedure, and sensed from their behavior that there was an emergency — he could see them rushing around, trying to take action to save his life. He was also surprised to find that he could hear classical music in the operating theatre.

He felt himself floating further away from his body, into a darkness which felt strangely peaceful and welcoming. Then he encountered his father, who had died a few years earlier. His father seemed surprised to encounter him, and told him, “You shouldn’t be here — it’s not your time yet.” Then John felt himself moving back down towards his body, and lost awareness again.

The next thing he knew, he was awake in recovery. Shortly afterwards, he asked the surgeon, “How come you were playing classical music in the operating theatre?” The surgeon was amazed that he knew this, since he had been unconscious when they turned the music on.

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There Is Life After Death! Afterlife Insights [Video]

What is the purpose of Life? What happens to you when you die? When everything around you becomes confusing and you don’t know where to turn next, you can always remember that we are here for a purpose and we never die, which quells the fears seeded within us.

Author and radio show host Barry Eaton delves deeper into the mysteries of the spirit realm and life between lives, and reveals how they can and do influence our current lives on earth. “Afterlife”, Barry’s first, bestselling book, has been acclaimed all over the world, helping people to cope with their fear of death.

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