How To Transform Your Tears Into Laughter

“There is no creativity if there is no chaos.” ~Osho

laughterJafree Ozwald – Every experience in life has a purpose, a reason and season to it. There is a time for sadness, and a time for joy. When you truly can let your tears flow, and allow the deepest sadness within you to rise to the surface, it becomes a powerful source of healing that brings profound realizations to your life.

By allowing your deepest possible sadness to be felt and experienced, that energy opens a humility inside you and a vulnerability that touches the core of your being. It pulls you down to bottom of your emotional ocean where you find the easiest sweetest surrender to the very source of who you are. Continue reading

Why Is It So Difficult to Stay Positive?

negativity in lifePepper Lewis – (Q) Will the ongoing negativity ever stop? I don’t want to wear ear plugs all day, stick my head in the sand, or tune to only one channel. I do want to stay informed and have a positive outlook. Is that still possible?

(A) Yes, it is possible. With modifications. Happiness is a mental state. We feel happy when we experience pleasure. Positivity is a state of mind that can be practiced and exercised on a regular basis. In a perfect world (not this one!) we would be relaxed, happy and positive all the time. You probably already know this, but humans have a negativity bias. Continue reading

The Remarkable Benefits of Following Your Dreams

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

dreamsPaul Lenda – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe has given us some excellent advice here. Are you following your dreams? Forget about seeing this as some sort of cliché. If your outer world isn’t reflecting what your inner world aspires to experience, you are going to have a bad time. Namely, you are going to have increased feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, resentment, envy, jealousy, misery, and a whole host of other emotions that will lead you down a dark road of feeling unfulfilled.

Everyone has something that excites them and lights a spark of wonder for them. There is always something that we can consider to be our “mission” in life and something that helps us become self-actualized. We call these dreams, but they are dreams that can usually become reality. Continue reading

Feel the connection

egoVeronica – Having a physical experience often challenges the soul. All of you feel the connection to the eternal. It is where your true energy lies. While in the body, one encounters many challenges. Some may seem insurmountable while experiencing them.

All challenges require linear focus but let’s not forget your soulful focus. The two combined together truly offer the best perspective while moving through a life.

The ego is created while incarnate. A sense of self esteem/self importance is critical. It defines who you are and your connections with others. It is important to create a balance between the ego and the soul. The best lives are a delicate dance for the incarnate. Continue reading

The Best Way To Navigate Through Life

pathVeronica – In a world of constant movement one never knows when the tides will turn.  Some say that a random reality exists that can trip the most advanced energy.  Others believe that there may be superior beings that create realities using the incarnates as pawns.  Both perspectives incite a feeling of helplessness and victimhood.

The best way to navigate through a life is to put yourself in control of it.  Decide to determine the path of your life.  Take action rather than reacting.  Use all of your senses to navigate through it.  You do have more than five of them.  The truly most important one is your intuitive sensing.  Feeling into something often produces more information and awareness than the others. Continue reading