Ascension Crystals

Augureye Express June 16 2013

DimensionSo here we are muddling about in 4th dimensional timespace (4D) wondering why the things we once relied upon no longer seem to work for us. We also wonder what is going on with time in general, as it seems to be exhibiting some rather strange properties of late. Yes, there are those who proclaim that we are still living in third dimensional timespace, (3D) but I suggest those folks are just living in the past, as humans so often prefer to do. If once reliable structures now being unreliable, and the shifting, morphing nature of time itself are not enough to convince you earth is in 4D … take a good look around at events transpiring on this planet. It may take some a while to wrap their head around the idea, that one of the reasons things we have relied upon don’t seem to work is because weare changing right along with everything else; evolving into beings who can exist and flourish in fifth dimensional timespace (5D).* This is manifesting as reality regardless of individual belief systems; kinda like gravity ~ it works whether you believe in it or not. It is nearing graduation time for the students enrolled in this earth school, and as with more familiar schools, some will move on ahead, while others will not. Those who feel they have gotten all they need here and are ready to move ahead are doing the things they know are required for guaranteeing a seat on the bus to 5D.

As covered in a recent post on Vibrational Medicine, we are timeless, ageless, multi-dimensional beings of energy, frequency and resonance who exist in a carbon based bio-suit made from stardust. We are all taking part in a group soul migration back to source, back to home. Those of us who truly know and more importantly feel this to be true find that our focus tends to narrow now, to those things which will help us reach that goal, everything not serving that, is being cut loose. We are dumping the rocks we’ve collected (baggage) from our rucksacks, we are getting ready for flight. We each have a ‘toolbox’ containing those things we’ve found helpful in our spiritual journey to enlightenment; these tools we use serve to raise our vibration & focus our intent…becoming part of our ‘spiritual practice’. Just as every carpenter’s toolbox should contain a few power tools, so should our spiritual toolbox, and by power tools I of course refer to the mineral kingdom of crystals and stones.

The Basics

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