Destruction of the Old Guard

TrumpJohn Michael Chambers – With the release of the Mueller report, the release and statement of the Barr letter, and the recent desperate unsuccessful attempt by the Democrats at the Senate Judiciary hearing with AG Barr, we are witnessing the destruction of the old guard. The deconstructing of the Deep State apparatus has just begun and this will play out now in public for some years to come. Yes, historical events begin to unfoldwith Trump and team now on the offense.

What’s Next?

With the treasonous Illegal take down and the failed Coup d’ etat now behind us, what’s next? What’s next is a continuation (at least in the next couple of months), of extraordinary acts of desperation by the Deep State, the Fake News Media and the Democrats.

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IG Hearing: Senator Lindsey Graham, John Kennedy and Ted Cruz …. [Video]

Sundance – As anticipated the majority of the Senate Judiciary hearing was a two-step.  Most of the questions presented to Inspector General Horowitz and FBI Director Chris Wray did little to advance the understanding of the issues at hand.  There was only one round of questions, several missing senators, and no senators for the duration. The hearing wrapped up early shortly after 5:00pm.

Here’s the only three question segments that approached the central issues.  We discover that former FBI Director James Comey is the subject of an ongoing investigation.  We also discover there is a grand jury impaneled.

Senator Lindsey Graham:–H8

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US Lawmakers ‘Bought And Paid For’ By Israel Lobby

This just in from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

“JERUSALEM (JTA) — U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham said in Jerusalem that the Senate will vote on an Iran sanctions bill next month…Graham told Netanyahu that ‘the Congress will follow your lead’ and will want to have a say about any final deal.”

Since when did the US Congress “follow the lead” of a foreign head of state who loathes – and is loathed by – the President of the United States?  Lindsey Graham should stay in Israel and run for the Knesset. If he attempts to return to the USA, he should be arrested, tried, and hanged

US lawmakers ‘bought and paid for’ by Israel lobby: Scholar Press TV

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Why The Surveillance State Must Be Erased

Alt-Market June 11 2013 (Thanks, A.L.)

Or perhaps it was ~Gillian

In America today there is a great rushing storm, a swirling hurricane of clashing opinions and ideologies that defy coherent organization and classification.  This social tempest has been triggered by certain revelations among the general public on issues which we in the Liberty Movement have long been aware.  The fact that our government is bought and paid for by international corporate interests, the fact that our government has positioned itself to spy on ALL Americans without warrant and without probable cause, the fact that our government is instituting policy initiatives that target common citizens as enemy combatants, the fact that every one of our Constitutional rights is being deliberately torn away; these things are not news to us, but to many once ignorant people, they are a shock to the system.

Open corruption on the part of a criminal establishment has a funny way of politicizing everyone, even those people who go out of their way to avoid the bigger picture.  In the end, no man or woman gets a pass.  Whether you like it or not, one day soon, you will have to choose a side; freedom or tyranny.  There is no middle ground.  There is no Switzerland.

With all the rationalizations and counter-rationalizations flying around concerning the current avalanche of admissions and data leaks, it is easy to lose track of the root of the overall conflict.  It’s as if we have been dropped into the heart of an Amazonian swamp, our feet encased in a thick sludge of social inaction as a dark cloud of mindless mosquito-people buzz about us, pecking hungrily at our veins with their warped and uneducated world views.  The deafening chorus distracts us from what is truly important.

Here is the reality of our situation:

1) Both the Bush Administration and the Obama Administration supported FISA domestic surveillance legislation.  FISA is the legal tool which the federal government now uses to justify the monitoring of journalists and recently exposed mass surveillance programs such as PRISM.  Politicians from both the Republican and the Democratic parties have defended the use of FISA and PRISM.  Both parties support the destruction of your 4th Amendment rights.

2) The Obama Administration openly admits to the monitoring of journalist’s phone and email records in an attempt to thwart whistleblowers that might actually bring the truth of what the government is doing into the light of day.  Obama of course defends this position by claiming that “national security” is at stake.

3) Part of the motivation for surveillance measures against journalists has clearly been the Benghazi conspiracy, which is a thorn in the side of the establishment that refuses to go away.  Like Watergate, or Iran-Contra, the White House has been caught with its pants down and instead of admitting its guilt, has decided to attack the messengers instead.

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Greg Hunter ~ Weekly News Wrap Up March 8 2013 [Video]

USA Watchdog

The answer is NO.  The president cannot kill Americans on U.S. soil with a drone attack who are not engaged in combat.  It took a gutsy 13 hour filibuster from Senator Rand Paul and some other Republican and Democratic Senators to get that answer from the White House.  When liberal Democrat Ron Wyden joined the Republicans, it became very hard to blow it off as partisan politics.  My question is where have the liberals been?  Actually, some liberals stepped up today and applauded Senators Paul and Wyden for asking the tough questions–not just about killing Americans on U.S. soil, but killing Americans without “Due Process” abroad.  Oddly, some of the harshest criticism about the filibuster came from Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain.  Those two supported indefinite detention, and they also support killing Americans abroad without charge or trial.

The drone targeting killing program has exploded overseas under the Obama Administration.  Thousands of attacks have occurred in countries that we have not declared war with.  The Obama Administration has, in fact, killed Americans without charge or trial.  Many say this is totally unconstitutional and want total transparency.  This killing, or some say murder policy, is clouded in secrecy, and there is zero congressional oversight.

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