8/8 Entering the Lions Gate – Healing of Humanity and the Earth

8/8 Entering the Lions Gate,James Gilliland – It seems the Universe is roaring, time to end the denial, heal and release the past, clean up the mis- and disinformation and move forward in the upward spiral of ascension.

We no longer have the luxury of denial. We all have images of ourselves yet do they correspond with right action? Have they corresponded with right action in the past? Have we been in service to self or service to others? Our vision of who we truly are versus who we believe we are is going to be shattered. Continue reading

Open To Your Multidimensional Lineage

Attunement to Infinite TimeAilia Mira – Hello, Divine Ones, We greet you in love.

We open up to this accelerating field that is your experience, for your world and your energy and expanding and accelerating.

The Lion’s Gate alignment, on 8/8 and this month of August together empower vast new potentials for humanity. You can feel this, we know. For the energy is already streaming into your world and affecting you, your bodies, and awareness, and with this, your emotions and your physical body are experiencing (and you feel through these modalities), the integration of this energy. Continue reading

August 2022 Astrology Overview

August 2022 planetary updateJoseph P Anthony – What a month we have before us. August starts off with a once in a lifetime alignment of Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus.  This triple conjunction is forcing us to reevaluate our values, beliefs, our material possessions, power structures, food, farming, land, markets, and off course financial matters. Uranus is the planet of awakening and change. It likes to shake up things up in our lives in an effort to keep us growing and keep us reaching for that more authentic state of being.

This is one of the most important astrological aspects of the year, Mars and Uranus in Taurus conjunct the North Node of fate is a massive wakeup call accompanied by a real sense of urgency.

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LionsGate Star Power

LionsGate Star PowerMeg Benedicte – We are in for a momentous treat next Monday, August 8th, in a galactic Leo super-wave of heart expansion. Leo the Lion governs the heart. Ruled by the Sun, Leo emphasizes the divine spark at the heart of our solar system.  Leo activates the cosmic heartbeat within your heart center, the pulse of singularity, your heart’s stargate to the quantum field.

The Leo Sun is the star-power of our solar system. Leo is courageous, confident, creative, and bold. While LionsGate is open, an infusion of solar power emboldens leading from the heart. As you move through this Ascension process, you are becoming the Soular Sun of your own reality.  Your heart crystal is pulsing with Soul super radiance as the central sun sourcing your Light Body. Continue reading

The 8/8 Lions Gate, the Sacred Year and the 8 Points of Light

2022 Sacred Year and the 8 Points of LightCelia Fenn – Ever since we exited the 3rd Dimension and began the Ascension and Transformation process, there has been much talk about Time. We have recognized that Linear Time, the time form associated with the 3rd Dimension, is no longer adequate to describe 5th Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional experience on Earth.

Many people point to the “end of time,” as though we will exist in a time free kind of void. However Archangel Michael teaches the concept of the Sacred Year or the Galactic year, in which Time is an aspect of the spiral creative journey of the Earth in relation to the Sun and the Stars. Continue reading