Uprooting fear

liveThe Angels – You live in an unbounded universe, rich with potential and possibility. You are connected with the power that creates universes and runs them, in all their harmony and complexity, with simple loving intent.

When you think about it, the magnitude of human problems and challenges, no matter how great they feel in a single lifetime, are minuscule compared with the challenge of making sure the planets and galaxies don’t collide.

The same power that harmonizes entire ecosystems loves you in ways you cannot possibly comprehend. This Source wants to help create greater love and order in your lives too. However, you were given the gift of free will. You are not robots, lovingly controlled by the Source, compelled by your design to live in order and harmony, as with all of nature.

You are beings made in love’s image and likeness, gifted with the ability to not only live according to your original design, but also to create “new universes” within your own lives. If you, like nature, lived only according to your original design you would live beautiful lives, but then again a leaf cannot become more than it was designed originally to be.

You can. Continue reading

Live Now!

Inspire Me Today February 12 2013

Breathe in the Adventure of Life! Do not waste a single precious day or moment. Unplug from your technology, get off of Facebook and live.

Become the channel for Life to be expressed through you. Let go of those silly fears of what others might think about you when you dance, sing, love openly, laugh out loud, speak honestly and do exactly what your Heart tells you to do. Show those self judgments that tell you can’t do it, that you can!

This life will come and go quickly which means we need to Live Here Now. Do not let another moment pass you by without acknowledging the True Miracle of Being Alive.

We are traveling through outer space at about 66,700 miles per hour somewhere in an infinitely expanding Universe and if you ask me, that’s a freakin’ Miracle–which makes us Miracles and since we’re miracles then we can absolutely create Miracles within ourselves and our lives. I’ve experienced plenty to know this is Truth. When you think you have a problem, just remember who you are and where you came from. We’re stardust, baby!!

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