Beet Borscht: A Natural Way to Cleanse a Congested Liver

Why it’s so important to maintain liver and gallbladder health

Robert Harrington – The liver is the major detoxification organ of the body. In light of the unprecedented amount of chemical toxicity which now permeates the food supply and water sources, the average American liver is quite burdened and imbalanced. Often times, the liver will become so congested with “liver sludge” that its major detoxification pathways will become severely compromised.

beetThis problem usually affects the gallbladder at the very same time, especially clogging up the bile ducts. Because the liver and gallbladder are closely connected, when bile flow is slowed down there are several consequences which inevitably occur. A proliferation of gallstones is just one byproduct of a congested liver and/or gallbladder.

No Worries: Borscht to the Rescue

“The beet mobilizes the liver like perhaps no other food and in so doing moves gallstones, hardened bile, accumulations of cholesterol, calcified “liver gravel”, chaff and other waste products through the bile ducts and into the GI tract. In this way these unwanted detoxification byproducts can be permanently expelled from the body.” – Source: Beet Borscht: An Extremely Effective Liver Cleanser

Beets are an extremely hardy root vegetable and probably derive their extraordinary capacity to function as a veritable roto rooter from their growing cycle in the rich and sometimes hard soils of the Northern states. Here’s where they are grown across that geographic area: Continue reading

7 Nutraceuticals That Will Boost and Detox Your Liver

Jeffrey Sutton – Optimizing liver function helps ensure the body can effectively rid itself of pollutants, heavy metals and various other toxins. Supporting liver health is paramount to   well-being. It becomes especially important as we age because liver function naturally declines. Herbs and nutraceuticals that improve liver health can help ensure it is working at peak capacity and no toxins slip through and damage our cells.

Supplementing for Liver Health is Vital

liverEnvironmental toxins are a major concern in our modern world, and sadly they are unavoidable. Pesticides and other pollutants sprayed on crops don’t just affect the food we eat, they contaminate the air we breath and leach into our drinking water. Even when choosing organically grown crops, the soil is almost always contaminated with these harmful chemicals, organic soil is becoming a rare commodity.

Our body cannot keep up with the increasing toxic burden of our world. Environmental toxins aside, it also has to deal with the endogenous toxins that are a byproduct of cellular energy production. Pharmaceutical medications can also impair liver function. With an enormous amount of individuals taking some form of medication, if not many, this is a problem.

Eating healthy is important for our health but it isn’t enough to maintain optimal liver and cellular function anymore. The foods we eat just don’t contain the same nutritional value as they did even 50 years ago, making it virtually impossible to achieve the recommended nutritional intake through diet alone. This is where supplements come in. They have become a necessity in this day and age.

Liver Health Supplements

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How To Clean Your Liver With 5 Natural Liver-Cleansing Tips

Elizabeth Renter – Your liver is like the maid of your body, cleaning up all the toxins you put into it, and therefore keeping all internal systems running smoothly. The modern diet, environmental pollutants, and our increasing dependence on toxic personal care products have put our livers on serious overtime. For this reason, it’s important to know how to clean your liver thoroughly and effectively – oh, and naturally.

liverYour liver works to cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances that we’ve eaten, inhaled, or rubbed on our bodies. When it is overworked—as it is in many modern adults—or when you are under a significant amount of physical or even mental stress, your liver can struggle to keep up.

“The thousands of enzyme systems that are responsible for virtually every body activity are constructed in the liver,” explains Dr. Karl Maret, M.D. “The proper functioning of the eyes, the heart, the brain, the gonads, the joints, and the kidneys are all dependent on good liver activity. If the liver is impaired from constructing even one of the thousands of enzyme systems the body requires, there is an impairment in overall body function and a resultant greater metabolic stress on the individual.”

How to Clean Your Liver – No Products Required

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4 Ways To Protect The Liver From Prescription Drug Damage

“A healthy liver is the foundation for a healthy body.” – C Sarich

There are hundreds of pharmaceuticals which can cause acute liver damage, and others which are definitely not kind to this extremely important organ of the body (which is in charge of over 500 bodily functions). Many people eschew prescription drugs altogether due to bodily damage like this, but if you are still weaning yourself from the traditional medicinal paradigm or you must take a prescription drug for some other reason, here are 4 ways to protect your liver since it becomes highly compromised when taking most pharmaceuticals.

(Just don’t forget to confirm with your doctor that the following will not negatively interact with any medications you may be taking).

1. Milk Thistle

MilkThistleUsed for over 2000 years as a medicinal herb, namely for liver, kidney and gallbladder problems, milk thistle is a must-have for any liver cleanse diet. This herb has been helpful in protecting it from other medications due to a flavonoid called silymarin and can even protect the liver from over-the counter Tylenol. Milk Thistle is also a super-powered antioxidant which protects the body from oxidative stress damage.
One of the ways in which milk thistle protects liver cells is by preventing a reduction in the concentration of glutathione in the body. This is an amino-acid like compound which neutralizes toxins. In many studies, milk thistle has been shown to increase glutathione levels by more than 35%. This compound is so helpful to the body that it actually alters the outer membranes of cells, making them impervious to many toxins that would otherwise find their way into the cell, while promoting the formation of newer, healthier cells to replace old, tired ones. Continue reading

Save Your Pet’s Life – Detox Them From Heavy Metals

Cat_InGlassesDo you have a pet that you love with all your heart? If you do then you should definetly pay attention to this article! I love my cat with all my heart…I would do anything for that darn kitty cat! Recently, I found out that cat/dog treats have mostly GMO foods in them ( not a big surprise ) and I have been worried about Chemtrails/heavy metal toxicity for my precious animals.

I thought jeez…well I know what terrible things heavy metals do to a humans body…but what can it do to my sweet animals and how could I protect them?

Here is what I found:

Detox Toxins From Your Pets For Good Health

1. Try to buy additive free foods but if not make your own homemade food. All dry foods are dangerously low in water content which wreaks havoc on your cat’s urinary tract and puts him at great risk for life-threatening and excruciatingly painful urethral obstructions and possibly cystitis (catinfo). Raw dog food from Nutriment and other companies contain far less additives other than a complete range of vitamins and nutrients. Continue reading