Being a Loner and Finding Love

lonerAletheia Luna – Being a loner comes with a sort of unspoken “job description.” 1) You like spending most of your time alone, 2) You are self-sufficient and don’t “need” other people to fill your life, and 3) Socializing is your arch-nemesis.

If you’re a loner, this job description, this self-definition, is carried throughout your days giving you a sense of freedom from social burdens, but also a sense of lurking loneliness and craving.

But how can you be a loner that enjoys your solitude but still desires to find a lover or friend? Isn’t this completely incompatible with who you are? Isn’t there a problem here?

Recently I received two separate emails, and in the past I’ve received many more, detailing such a frustrating and seemingly self-contradictory feeling.

Arman, one of our readers from Lithuania for instance, writes: Continue reading

Libra Full Moon Eclipse: Are You A Lone Wolf?

Simone Butler – In America, 27 percent of people now live alone. In other parts of the world, the figure is even higher – 32 percent in Japan, 47 percent in Sweden. Some of these folks may be enjoying the single life, but others are just plain lonely. Even if we live and work with others lonelinessor stay connected via technology, recent research suggests that our relationships are becoming more superficial and less rewarding. No matter how many friends you have on Facebook, you can still feel lonely. This “loneliness epidemic” is on par with obesity and substance abuse in terms of a public health crisis. It can even kill you: The pain of prolonged loneliness increases your mortality risk by 26 percent.

Loneliness stems from not sharing your deepest self with others. Yet being a lone wolf doesn’t necessarily mean you’re lonely. Doing your own thing can be fun and nourishing. This is the province of independent Aries. Right now we have Sun, Mercury, Uranus and the South Node in this “me-first” sign. At the upcoming Libra Full Moon (April 4, 5:06 am PDT) the fiesty Aries Sun eclipses the sociable Libra Moon. Since this eclipse catalyzes the turbulent – and recently exact – Uranus-Pluto square, it can bring relationship tensions to a head. A little me-time is great, but this full moon cautions you not to isolate yourself overmuch or  dismiss others’ needs. A little kindness goes a long way. Continue reading