Soul Braid – Merging Into Self

Divine  Sovereignty

FingerOfGodAA Metatron via J Tyberonn – Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.

It is ‘Year Two’ of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.

Masters, solitude is the opens the richness, the bounty of truly knowing Higher Self. It is only lonely when the ego personality blocks the doorway, and in time solitude will prevail and purposely so. You will discover that a degree of loneliness totally disappears when you embrace the self that you are . Merging into Self occurs in solitude and in this state a sublime plurality of consciousness exists that allows the savant to understand that no soul is ever alone. The paradox is that this discovery occurs in seeming isolation.

Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle; find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude.

Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel ‘unnatural’ for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose.

The solitude that often occurs in later years, is the connective chord that ties the beginning to the end.

You see in times of chosen solitude you are able to quiet the mental narration and open to Spirit …and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. The paradox is that in sacred solitude you truly are NOT alone. Masters, in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls. Places in the life stream for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so.

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The Changing Sun & Angelic Interface

Earth-Keeper Chronicles August 14 2013

Ascended master

Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by resonance and name. It has always been so!

And so as 2013 , Year One of the New Earth, goes into its final phases, humanity is poised for a renaissance. You are completing an auspicious year, a powerful and transitional time. The changes that have taken place since the planetary ascension In the new energy of 2013 and beyond, the ionic ratio is shifting on the planet. You are being helped to operate into the expansive 12-dimensional access, by solar radiation. The sun is changing. And so is all around you in what is termed the Aquarian shift.

You are growing into the ability to view other forms of life. To fluidly mange the new energies on the planet, to flow lucidly into dimensions 5-12. It will take time. It will require effort. You have a new set of chakras, and some assembly is required !

Nonphysical life forms & energies have always been present on the earth, but not as easy to physically discern prior to 2013. You are now more capable , far more able to ‘see’ not only through the 3rd eye, but now in the new light , via the physical eye, etheric & plasmic life forms. These include the Devic and Elemental kingdoms, lite sprites, thought form orbs and indeed Angelics.

Dear Human, in the New Earth of 2013 and beyond, you will increasingly be able to communicate , far more tangibly, far more lucidly into what you term the Angelic realm. You will begin to see the scientific mechanics and laws of new physics merge into the circle of what was previously only metaphysics. We tell you that what was termed ‘ woo-woo’ will become more logical. Ungrounded aspects of the mystical arts will be replaced by a new logic that arrives more clearly into mysticism and what has been termed ‘religion’ via science. We tell you that in the New Earth humanity will begin to comprehend the valid nature of ‘God’ more through science than religion. It is time for the sacred to include science and for science to include the sacred.

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Renaissance Of The Golden Age: Rediscovering Joy

Earth-Keeper Chronicles June 8 2013

Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love.

Many salient shifts are quickening as you enter the midway mark of 2013 – Year One of the New Earth. Indeed you are entering a re-birthing, a renaissance!

Many points of infinity across the planet are transitioning, re-birthing and redefining themselves in a new potency that enables the Ascension of the Earth to be the instrument of the Ascension of Humanity. This is empowered by the 144 Crystalline Grid, which is now operating at an unimaginable resonance. In 2013 and beyond, for the proceeding 7 years, many powernodes will be reborn, will shift and take on new expanded roles. Others will decrease in potency, having completed roles that have now transitioned. Some that were rather dormant will become more active; some that were primary generators will become supporting satellites. But do not think a shift in roles diminishes the vital importance of each node as the networking hierarchy changes, for such transitioning has always been the patterned law of cycles.

Harmonic Oscillations of Time Holograms

Cyclic energies of time epochs attract in somewhat the same manner as all vibratory signatures. Accordingly, the energies of what may be termed ‘Enlightened Ages’ are now vigorously feeding into the current stage of the New Earth. This is logically occurring at the portal apertures of such periods and vector-points.

There are specific points re- emerging that are now dedicated to the rediscovery of the great and greater Truth, a coded Infinite Truth within a portal of Light, infinite coherent Light.

Re-Emergence of the Golden-Grecian Illumination

One vector containing energy points of great importance is the area you term as Greece. It is a land of incredible energy, and land of time gates. Masters, we tell you that the Golden Age of Illumination which occurred in Greece is aligning to the present. That carries implications and advantages that are essential at this time .

It is why we have directed the channel to go there and why so many of you are being called to this area. The mega portals of Greece are re-birthing with vibrancy of light codes and of unimaginable energies of upshift. What differentiates the powernodes within Greece are the creative codes that enhance the aspects of freedom, life expression, aesthetic sensuality, artistic expression, and amplified understanding of sciences. An energy that exudes joy and removes parameters that block the wholesome bliss of the vitality of life is available for download in the mega portals of Greece.

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One Heart

Earth-Keeper Chronicles May 3 2013

EarthGreetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.

It is Year One of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.

Masters, many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude.

Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel ‘unnatural’ for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose.

You see, in times of chosen solitude you are able to quiet the mind and open to Spirit …and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. The paradox is that in sacred solitude you truly are NOT alone. Masters, in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls. Places in the lifestream for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so.

So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

There is a recurring message in many of your religious texts: “For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”.

Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose. You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence. In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now.

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Codes Of The Law Of One

Crystal skullJames Tyberonn – Greetings Beloved, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I encircle each of you with Unconditional Love.

Dear Human, the heralded Ascension awaits you, and it takes place on the 12-12-12, for it is that date that the ascending expansion occurs that enable the rebirth of the Earth on December 21,2012.

Masters, be aware that the 12-12-12 is the date of culmination, and each of you have a proactive role in this hallowed and sacred occurrence that YOU made happen! Continue reading