Receiving Heaven’s Broadcast

Receiving Heaven's Broadcast
The Angels – There is so much love flowing to your planet right now. There are beings from many dimensions holding a beautiful focus on a loving future for all of you—individually and collectively.

Angels are waiting in the wings to nurture and support you. We broadcast only on the frequency of love. We constantly look for ways to guide you to the next loving experience you desire. We remain steadfast in our vision of you having every loving thing and experience you desire.

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Crystalline Grid Upgrades

crystalsKim Semetis – We have had a major shift/upgrade of our crystalline grids within our physical vessel since the new 2020 codes came in just a few short days ago.

I could feel my body changing for about a week or so before this occurred. You may have noticed that you have had, or will soon, appearing on your physical vessel tiny or much larger bumps that may look like pustules, boils or pimples where the crystals held within have been activating and are forming near the surface of the skin.

From my personal experience these may turn into a red dot after the incubation period and then the skin may/will begin to peel. I have had so many forming back to back on my hands and feet for years now, on and off. Continue reading