Kavanaugh convulsions and #MAGA2018

#MAGA2018Lionel Nation –  Enter the Brett Kavanaugh nomination and confirmation. This was full bore, with full-tilt insanity interest compounded daily. It was a hit. A targeted victim selection of one Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the rules were simple — there would be no rules. Anything goes and everything went and the sheer brutality of the assault was one for the books.

Litanies of liars, parades of panderers, pettifoggers and agents provocateurs. Victims actual, victims false, victims in procession. Faux prophets, D-lister celeb cons, slimey scum lawyers, rent-a-liars, DNC operatives, Hillary shills, synthetic protests.

Rent-a-ruckus screamers and elevator ninja button-holers with all the hoots and hollers permanently recorded. All the while giving the unsuspected the impression that these seemingly de minimis straggler gaggles represented the country. That they were representative and represented. That they were the voice of America.

Bwahahaha! Not by a long shot, Sparky. Not by a long shot.

Mass hysteria as spectator sport

This was an ochlocracy: perfect, pure and simple. Swarms and mobs, gaggles, flocks and passels, herds and schools — murmurations and formations of the easily moved (and paid Soros-style). All swept up in the moment and the frenzy and the communal siren call of publicity. Continue reading