Are We Consciously Using Our Power to Choose?

Photographer Marie

Diana Rose Kottle – As we move through life, and navigate our experiences, we are constantly in a position of choice. Each moment presents yet another opportunity to choose anew, each second holds a new choice point from which to start again in the now. With each step forward on our path, we get to choose where we place our foot next.

Do we walk around the puddle? Do we jump over it? Do we step directly in it? Perhaps we turn and move in an entirely new altogether?

When we are making a choice, it’s important to stop and examine how we are choosing. Are we are choosing out of habit — gravitating to the past, to the familiar, to what we have always chosen? Are we choosing out of fear — attempting to protect ourselves against bad things that could potentially happen in the future — often based on our past experiences? Or are we really stopping to ask what is aligned right now, in each unique moment, regardless of the past or future stories we are holding onto or projecting?

The consciousness we hold when making our choices, seeds our choices with this vibrational frequency. A choice made in fear is akin to planting a toxic dis-eased tree and wondering why the fruit it produces is rotten and inedible.

Our choices may be active and conscious (we may be aware of them) or they may be passive and even unconscious (happening by default). Remember, lack of choice is still a choice; we have and are making choices on some level of consciousness always.

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