You are a Dandelion

fictionalLori Lothian – Do you imagine the you who thinks it wants to experience enlightenment is solid? That this identity is as dense as say, a block of wood or a boulder?

Because if your fictional self is getting ready to let go, once and for all, it’s really more like a dandelion gone to seed. Sure, you can see the shape of the flower that was once a vibrant and thick yellow, but we all know that the white wispy phase is delicate and fragile—ready to blow to pieces.

All it takes is the wind of grace.

So, how do you know that your fictional self is just about to fly to the four winds so that the truth of who you have always been becomes apparent?

Well, if you are disillusioned with life, if it has whacked you with disappointment and loss, the fictional self is more than likely going to seed. The hardship crucible of enlightenment is a common one—we all know that folks like Byron Katie and Echart Tolle have tales of pre-awakening existential crisis.

But I’ve learned there is another, gentler way. I call it the portal of non-ordinary reality, also known as magic. And it’s not everyone’s cup of enlightenment tea. But it’s the tea I was sipping in the years leading to my awakening shift.

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