Malware Inside Of Artificial Intelligence

malwareJoseph P Farrell – There’s a dimension to the artificial intelligence debate that seldom gets mentioned: mind control. Assuming that artificial intelligence is possible, and assuming that machines, like Robert Heinlein’s “Mike” computer in his celebrated sci-fi novel The Moon is a Harsh Mistress “wakes up”, would mind control and mind manipulation techniques work on such an entity?

I do not know the answer to that question, but I suppose on the basis of the following article shared by V.T. that it might be possible. At the minimum, what the article does state is that it is possible according to recent studies to plant malware inside an AI’s programming: Continue reading

Julian Assange Press Conference 3-9-2017 [Video]

Alexandra Bruce –  A historic act of devastating incompetence” is how Julian Assange describes the CIA’s handling of the extremely High Security data which began to be published by his organization on March 7, 2017, in the largest-ever publication of Confidential documents on the Agency and they’ve only just started.

In case you missed it, here it is, from the horse’s mouth: WikiLeaks’ Press Conference on Vault 7, Year Zero and the CIA, held on March 9, 2017.

Assange begins by describing how reckless it was for the CIA “To have created this arsenal and to have stored it in one place and not secured it. WikiLeaks discovered it as a result of it being passed around among various members of the Intelligence Community. In short: “The Central Intelligence Agency lost control of its entire cyber-weapons arsenal.”

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