Mind Your Manners, Mind Your Lies

Mind Your Manners, Mind Your LiesJeremy Egerer – Jesus said the truth will set you free, and it will — from friends.  I’m not saying go out and con all your friends, but the truth is that nobody wants to say the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and that’s why we make people swear they will.  But mainly on the witness stand, and then only under threat of legal punishment.

“Truth” is a much bigger concept than human relations.  It has to do with your relationship with reality.  When you don’t believe in reality, you can’t live successfully.  When you believe the wrong things about a person, it’s possible to screw up — but in society, it most usually makes things go better.  At least if people believe the right wrong things. Continue reading

More Government, Less Manners

governmentPaul Rosenberg – I really don’t like complaining about government. I find it a waste of time, as well as bad strategy. I’m convinced that it’s far more useful to leave the whole mess behind and move on to better things.

Still, most of the human race is emotionally chained to government, and it can be helpful to point out that they’re in an abusive relationship. So, today I’d like to cover something that I don’t recall seeing elsewhere. I’ll begin with the what and then move to the why.


I have observed something over many years and in many ways. And that is this:

The more government is involved with people’s lives, the worse those people become.

Example number one has to be the welfare class (or perhaps I should say classes at this point) – people who live more or less permanently on the dole. The worst neighborhood in almost any town is where the highest percentage of people live as government dependents. Sure, some hard-core ideologues will still protest that the poverty came first and the government help second, but that’s only true sometimes, and it avoids the far more important truth that making adults dependent degrades them. Continue reading