Laugh Your Way To Abundance And Freedom

HealthJafree Ozwald – When was the last time you experienced a deep belly laugh? Laughter not only feels good, it also produces a powerful manifesting energy that will literally shift your ability to attract what you desire.

When you laugh, your aura literally expands, and the entire energetic field connected to this bio-magnetic field opens up to greater abundance, love, health, and infinite possibilities that exist in the world around you. The light carefree energy of laughter is like a “happy magnet” which will only attract more joyful experiences to you. You tend to attract whatever it is you need in a natural and effortless way. Continue reading


The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Blog | January 17 201

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”
-Mark Twain

I hear it often from people, how brave I am and how much courage I have. Sometimes I just have to laugh, because, going through what I’ve been through with my mesothelioma battle, I don’t feel very brave. At times, the fear was so overwhelming, all I could do was cry out to God to help me. I would love to say that through the last 7 years, I’ve learned to conquer my fears. After all, Lungleavin Day, our celebration of the anniversary of my extrapleural pneumonectomy surgery, is all about overcoming fears. But I still have my moments, more often than I would like to admit. I have the usual fears creep in, my “scanxiety” I’ve blogged about before, little pangs of fear before I fly, but the biggest fear I struggle with is the fear of something happening to my daughter. This is something that has plagued me since she was born.

I’ve always had what I jokingly call puke-aphobia and, with having a kid, you know it something you have to deal with. This year has been particularly brutal on the gastroenteritis front for my poor Lily. Three times she has been sick this year in as many months. When she got sick the third time, the fear reared its ugly head in a big bad way. So much that I took her to the doctor and insisted he do a battery of tests to rule out anything. The thing I was most afraid of? Yep, cancer. Having dealt with cancer myself, and knowing so many others, my hypochondriac mind went right to the worst-case scenario. My husband, bless his heart, is always able to bring me back around to reasonable thinking. Although he understands why I go to the worst-case scenario, he doesn’t indulge it, and his voice of sound reason helps so much to calm me. Except in this case. I could not shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. Turns out he was right. She is a perfectly healthy 7-year-old little girl. Every single test came back as normal as normal as could be and, for some reason, she has just gotten sick a lot this year.

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Oathkeepers? Only If You Make Them

The Jeenyus Corner | January 4 2013

 Part Three of a Continuing Series –  Solutions from the Opposite Consciousness.

Barack ObamaThere are going to be a lot of people for whom this will go right over their heads. Indeed, it will anger many as well. Its very difficult to break your conditioning, so I understand and won’t be offended when the profanity starts…

I have become deeply frustrated with endless discussions of “the problem.” Indeed, by this point we should all be quite familiar with them and if there was ever a time to begin dealing with it head on, to formulate solutions, then it is now.

With serious proposals being made to confiscate privately held weapons, we no longer have the option of polite conversation. That’s a line that a majority of gun owners will not allow to be crossed. If we have any hope at all of stopping this catastrophe before its too late, then we must do something today.

While I am pleased that at last it’s become evident to many of the sheeple that this government has gone criminal and declared war on its citizens, I am unsurprised that few recognize their buttons are being pushed. People see it borne out publicly over and over by the federal government’s illegal acts, unprecedented unilateral changes to centuries old legal principles, unusual levels of light weapons purchases and the rapid militarization of local police forces.

What isn’t discussed is why can’t people recognize a fear based promotion when they see one? This isn’t about gun control – it’s about provoking confrontations, creating conflict and chaos. Understanding who we’re dealing with and how they maintain power is critical to avoiding their manipulations!

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Become An Infinite Possibilitarian

Jafree Ozwald | March 19 2012

InfinityWe live in a world that is full of infinite possibilities. The Universe is literally a matrix of possibilities that is constantly taking form based on the thoughts and feeling states of the beings that inhabit it. Anything could happen in this next moment. Knowing that this is true, we actually have no idea of what is truly possible in our lives. Our minds can only project a small limited idea of what we are capable of manifesting based on past experiences and understanding. Yet, the bigger truth is that you are a limitless being connected to a Source of infinite power and consciousness who can manifest anything you desire! Your mind may struggle with digesting this knowledge because it simply cannot fathom the divine richness inside you. The mind is too small of a container to hold this vast Universe. This is exactly how it should be since it is only through letting go of the limiting mind that we can drop deeper inside and experience this awesome spiritual being full of infinite potentiality.

“We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Limits only exist in the mind. Your mind has been programmed to believe in ideas like permanent boundaries, deadlines, “have to’s”, and that some things just are not possible! Your thoughts and emotions act like blinders, keeping you from seeing and FEELING all that you are capable of creating. The mind tends to remain focused on what isn’t working out, instead of the myriad of infinite possibilities that are constantly there for the taking. The Universe is always our perfect mirror, reflecting the infinite quality of our true nature. In the deepest reality, we are infinite beings that never die, and thus have access to infinite experiences and manifestations. This experience can only be found through transcending the mind.

“Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities – always see them, for they’re always there.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale

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