Fed Most Certainly Will Not Raise Interest Rates—Paul Craig Roberts [Video]

marketGreg Hunter – Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts contends all talk of the Fed raising interest rates this fall is totally wrong. Roberts explains, “They most certainly are not going to raise them because they’ve spent seven years keeping them at zero. In fact, inflation aside, there are already negative interest rates. . . . So, they are most certainly not going to raise interest rates because if they raise the rates, they will destroy all their efforts to keep the big banks afloat. They also would destroy the stock market.


What we have seen all these years is every time the market needs to correct, the Plunge Protection Team steps in and buys the Standard and Poor’s futures and drives the market back up. So, what would cause the Plunge Protection Team and the Federal Reserve to all of a sudden jettison the policies they have been following all these years to save the big banks, to save the stock market and to keep the aura of success alive in America?” Continue reading

The Alchemy Of Synthetic Finance And Global Governance

 “Today’s alchemists of finance are like their transhumanist counterparts – devious and intelligent, but con men in the last analysis. They, like their forebears, con heads of state into signing on public wealth, just as the shadow surveillance agencies con heads of state into handing over “big data” through contrived legalities.” – J Dyer

The convergence of banking, technology and the occult.

This past week, the world’s vultures – the economic power elite – met in Davos to discuss the maintenance of their global fiat hegemony. Highlights included furthering austerity measures, noting that the serf class can’t expect air conditioning and cars, as well as cheering on the death of privacy through the rise of technocracy.

The degenerate elite, completely out of touch with humanity, resembles the controllers in the Lucas classic, THX 1138, building their own prison destined to entrap their own progeny.

Degenerate elite always end up being their own worst enemy because pride detaches man from reality, which can only be perceived in the truth. Pride causes man to adopt a delusory sense of the world and his own relation to it, thereby bringing about a praxis divorced from the rules of nature, logic and classical wisdom. Banking man, homo economicus, with his foaming at the mouth rapaciousness, will find his own descendants trapped in the virtual A.I. prison grid he has built.

Citing the insightful and recommended film, Margin Call, JC at Philosophy Of Metrics comments:

“This is why the solution has to come from within, as every system will simply corrupt again. Philosophers and great thinkers have warned us continuously for thousands of years. The manifestation of inner dysfunction and imbalance will always be represented physically as dysfunction and imbalances in the systems man develops.”

Margin Call – Fat Cats and Starving Dogs

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How Do You Unmanipulate A Manipulated Economy?

“Breaking the stranglehold of vested interests is the essential step to rebuilding an economy that isn’t totally dependent on manipulated money and statistics.” – C H Smith

CharlesHughSmithThe word manipulated has the sour taste of officially sanctioned distortion in service of an Elite’s interests. At a minimum, manipulation smacks of intent to defraud. If there is no intent to defraud or mislead, then what’s the purpose of manipulating statistics, media coverage and official narratives?

As a result, the unsavory reality of our massively manipulated economy is masked by insipid words such as stimulus, easing and investing in our future–as if borrowing and squandering trillions of dollars to further enrich the few at the expense of the many is anything but blatant grift, fraud and embezzlement of taxpayer funds.

Regardless of what slippery words are deployed to mask the manipulation, it doesn’t change the reality that the U.S. economy remains a manipulated mess that is dependent on monetary and statistical manipulation. If you doubt the economy is dependent on monetary and statistical manipulation, then ask yourself what will happen to the economy should the Federal Reserve’s zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP) be rescinded, and interest rates return to historic norms.

Ask yourself what happens if the Federal government actually declared the increase in public debt as the true measure of fiscal deficits rather than the ginned-up deficit number–a number that is much less than the actual deficit reflected in the annual increase in public debt.

Ask yourself what the gross domestic product (GDP) would be if hedonic adjustments and other flim-flam were eliminated from the calculation. Continue reading

The PLANNED Silver End Game

Road To Roota | September 10 2012

Chicago Mercantile ExchangeTo those of you watching the price of silver rise thinking how exciting it is that the silver buyers are finally diving into the silver market and driving the price higher, unfortunately, you are living in a fantasy world. There is no “free market” in silver where supply and demand matters and drives the price movements. Silver is a “managed market” and has been since the early 1970’s. It is managed via computer programs run out of the Fed NY and the basement of the US Treasury. Computers trading back and forth with each other to SET the price…every day, every trade and every tick.

So when silver rises 20% in a matter of weeks or silver dives 20% in a matter of days you should not be surprised. It is meant to play with your emotions and scare (or force) you out of the silver market.

But knowing this should not slow down your positioning for the END of this silver price “management”. It should motivate you to BUY MORE PHYSICAL SILVER and be ready for the END of this management process. Yes, it is ending. The Good Guys tried to end this game back in 2008 but they were stopped short…mainly because WE THE PEOPLE were not ready. So a decision was made to wait until the NEXT US election to finally pull the plug on official silver market rigging. We are now nearing the end of this phase of silver manipulation.

That is why the price of silver has risen so high and dropped so fast in the past 4 years. To delay the inevitable silver moonshot. That is why the CFTC refuses to end this obvious manipulation up until now. That is why the price is rising so fast as we approach election day. This is the END game.

The latest Bank Participation Report is a tell tale sign that something is up. The US bank short positions of COMEX silver futures grew more than 8,295 net contracts, to 28,760 net short contracts from the last report on August 7.


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