Brandon Smith ~ Why I Will Not Submit To Medical Martial Law

“I can think of no rationale for government involvement in the treatment of an Ebola outbreak. If it is not pure incompetence on their part that has exacerbated the threat, then even worse, it is a deliberate program of genocide. In either case, no military or CDC “strike teams” should be allowed free reign in our neighborhoods, towns, counties, or states.” – B Smith

MedicalMartialLawPoliceGunsOne of the most dangerous philosophical contentions even amongst liberty movement activists is the conundrum of government force and prevention during times of imminent pandemic. All of us at one time or another have had this debate. If a legitimate viral threat existed and threatened to infect and kill millions of Americans, is it then acceptable for the government to step in, remove civil liberties, enforce quarantines, and stop people from spreading the disease? After all, during a viral event, the decisions of each individual can truly have a positive or negative effect on the rest of society, right? One out of control (or “lone wolf”) citizen/terrorist could reignite a biological firestorm, so, should we not turn to government and forgo certain freedoms in order to achieve the greater good for the greater number?

If the government in question was a proven and honorable institution, then I would say pro-Medical Martial Law arguments might have a leg to stand on. However, this is not the case. In my view, medical martial law is absolutely unacceptable under ANY circumstances, including Ebola, in light of the fact that our current government will be the predominant cause of viral outbreak. That is to say, you DO NOT turn to the government for help when the government is the cause of the problem.

The recent rise of global Ebola is slowly bringing the issue of medical martial law to the forefront of our culture. Charles Krauthammer at The Washington Post recently argued in favor of possible restrictions on individual and Constitutional liberties in the face of a viral pandemic threat. Continue reading

Elite NWO Agenda ~ Ebola False Flag Attack Was Predicted By A CIA Insider [Video]

EbolaGate is actually a Bioweapons False Flag attack strategy, with many sophisticated alternative scenarios, some of which may or may not materialize as in all false flags. The basic premise is to start an Ebola “outbreak” with a bioweapons attack of the Ebola virus in West African countries. There, local immune systems and health profiles are compromised by unsanitary conditions and little public health care. Martial law quarantines for mass infection can be more easily imposed. Local populations are given ineffective treatments, or worse, treatments that are themselves bioweapons.


The WHO-led African Bioweapons genocide is in play in part due to (1) greed – the long sought after mineral, oil and gas wealth of Africa – and (2) to provide the jumping-off point for mutation of the EbolaGate virus leaving the region and traveling via air travel, sea travel, and land to Europe, India, Asia, and North and South America.

In North America there awaits a sophisticated Ebola Gate False Flag machine led by WHO-CDC [Nazi-CIA] and Martial law regulations signed by George Bush I & II, Clinton, and Obama that can mandate FEMA incarceration and mass vaccinations with EbolaGate vaccines that maim or kill as part of the depopulation plan.

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Awareness And Critical Mass Can Deconstruct Planned Extermination [Video]

​VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging conversation on American Liberty Live with host Jeffrey Sisk, Alfred Lambremont Webre reveals and discusses an Illuminati depopulation plan to collapse the constitutional order and population in the USA under the rubric “Plan A is Martial Law; Plan B is Ebola”.  Alfred explains how Awareness and Critical mass can deconstruct planned extermination.

Articles and information on the Ebola/Martial Law false flag

Plan A (Martial Law) is the DHS goal in USA [Plan B is Ebola]

DHS Is Employing Agent Provocateurs and Are Behind the Events In Ferguson Continue reading

Alfred Webre ~ Plan A Is Martial Law; Plan B Is Ebola. Awareness And Critical Mass Undo NWO Plans [Video]

VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging conversation on American Liberty Live with host Jeffrey Sisk, Alfred Lambremont Webre reveals and discusses an Illuminati depopulation plan to collapse the constitutional order and population in the USA under the rubric “Plan A is Martial Law; Plan B is Ebola”.  Alfred explains how Awareness and Critical mass can deconstruct planned extermination.  Continue reading . . .

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SF Source Alfred Lambremont Webre  August 18 2014

Totalitarian Collectivism

BATR  May 19 2014

“The fact is that the modern implementation of the prison planet has far surpassed even Orwell’s 1984 and the only difference between our society and those fictionalized by Huxley, Orwell and others, is that the advertising techniques used to package the propaganda are a little more sophisticated on the surface. Yet just a quick glance behind the curtain reveals that the age old tactics of manipulation of fear and manufactured consensus are still being used to force humanity into accepting the terms of its own imprisonment and in turn policing others within the prison without bars.” – Paul Joseph Watson

Martial Law in the Homeland Security Society

DHS_FemaRegionsBefore Federal trolls or indoctrinated government “true believers”, starts spreading their slurs, you had better gauge the sentiment in the real America. Seventy-two percent of Americans, in a Gallop poll say big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than is big business or big labor, a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question. Yet the “so called” authorities would have you accept that only a conspiracy theorist thinks that the great protectors of law and order are capable of routing out Christians, 2nd Amendments advocates, 911 Truth proponents, Tea Party members, Patriot-Liberty groups or Global Warming deniers, and confining them to prison gulags. So when the House introduced HR 645, in 2009 that directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations, every citizen should feel threatened by its own government.

Here are some of those nasty facts that endanger all of us. The Albuquerque Journal account in the article, MISSION CREEP: Homeland Security a ‘runaway train’ should alarm everyone.

“Today, the Department of Homeland Security is the third-largest agency in the federal government, behind only the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense.

When created in 2002, DHS merged 22 pre-existing federal agencies into one, marking the largest reorganization of the federal government in more than 50 years. Among the agencies included under the Homeland Security umbrella are the Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

In the first year of its existence, the Department of Homeland Security employed 180,000 full-time workers. Today, 240,000 people collect paychecks from the agency, according to its website.

The department’s budget has more than doubled since the agency’s inception in 2003, when it spent $29 billion. This year, DHS is slated to spend $61 billion.”


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