Leftists Have A Racist, Divisive, And Ultimately Nihilistic View Of America

Daniel Davies – Congresswoman Cori Bush recently tweeted that July Fourth is a holiday celebrating White people’s freedom only. Her tweet is part of the radical left’s effort to take over America. It ignores that, while America struggled with slavery in its founding, it endured a horrific Civil War to end it and experienced a robust Civil Rights Movement to realize the Declaration of Independence’s promises. We are faced now with a choice between the vision of Karl Marx or that of the Declaration of Independence, Abraham Lincoln, and Walt Disney.

This is the July Fourth tweet from Cori Bush, a freshman congresswoman from Missouri: Continue reading

BLM ‘Wants To Eradicate Western Civilization’

BLMSean Adl-Tabatabai – Brexit leader Nigel Farage has warned that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement wants to completely eradicate western civilization within the next few years.

“Look, you cannot separate taking the knee from the Black Lives Matter movement,” Farage said during a GB News interview when asked to comment on England’s football team taking a knee during the UEFA European Football Championship.

“It is an avowedly, openly Marxist organization that wants to defund the police and wants to bring down the whole of Western civilization — don’t take my word for it, just read the website — and you can’t separate the two,” the former UKIP leader continued. Continue reading

American Marxists, Take Your Fictitious Systemic Racism and White Privilege and Shove It

American marxistsSteve McCann – Over the past fifty years, the Marxist-inspired American Left has been hellbent on trying to convince the citizenry that the United States is and always has been a malevolent nation due to “systemic racism” and “white privilege.”  According to their agitprop, the European branch of the Caucasian race (or more contemptuously, “Whites”) has, since the dawn of recorded history, been the principal promoters and beneficiaries of slavery and repression throughout the world.  Those members of this villainous race who settled in this country over the past 400 years are responsible for imposing never-ending racism and inequity on the American continent. Continue reading

The Roots of Insurrection: Antifa Exposed

antifaJanet Levy – The mainstream media — silent on the Marxist ideology, violence, and militancy of groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) — deceptively reported that the protests they inflicted on over 200 U.S. cities in 2020 were “mostly peaceful.” It deceitfully transformed the mayhem into a “summer of love.”

Widespread rioting, looting, arson, murder, assaults, and destruction of property and businesses went unreported. Such abject failure explains why polls consistently rank the media among America’s least trusted institutions. Continue reading

America’s Racial Powder Keg [Audio]

Henrik Palmgren – Pete Papaherakles was born in Greece and has lived in the US since the age of 9. He is a writer for American Free Press (AFP) and the Barnes Review, as well as an illustrator and political cartoonist and AFP’s outreach director.


Victor Thorn founded Sisyphus Press and has authored 56 published books, including “The New World Order Exposed” and “9-11 on Trial.” He also co-founded WING TV (World Independent News Group) and is an investigative reporter for AFP, with nearly 1,000 published articles. “America’s Racial Powder Keg: How a Violent Dependency State Has Been Created Within the Black Community” is a new compilation edited by Victor, which includes 16 of his articles and 22 articles by Pete Papaherakles, along with a few others by Dave Gahary, John Friend, and Bill White. Continue reading