Christ Consciousness Mirror of Unconditional Love

“I step forward to you now with tremendous love, I am Master Jesus. It is always an honor to share wisdom and to communicate directly with your soul. I send shimmering golden Christ Consciousness to surround you and to magnify your energies. On this day there is a greater magnification of the energy of the Creator within you, it is a most sacred day which is a part of your spiritual evolution.

At this time there is a need to constantly focus upon magnifying your energies as well as knowing every aspect of your being thoroughly. Are you aware of all the energies that you create and that vibrate as your being? In truth when upon the Earth it is more difficult to be so fully aware but I wish to point out to you there is a need to be more aware and consciousness of the energy that composes your entire being as you sit in this current moment.

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You and Only You Can Make The Shift

Gillian MacBeth Louthan | Quantum Awakening
November 11 2011

EarthYou and Only You Can Make The Shift. Humanity is but a Band-Aid held in place by its own belief system. You cannot fool the quanta nor yourself. Be honest and know where you want yourself to go. As long as you hold onto struggle as a life raft it will only let you drift in the seas of despair. You Are The Captain Of Your Fate Master Of Your Soul. Change your thinking change your life.

Ye are God when thou are poor of spirit and substance, ye are God when filled with the riches of the day, ye are God when left alone to sleep in the night and ye are God when held in the arms of a beloved! Your faith must be sealed and solid as the rock of the mountains, as unfetching as the relentlessness of the seas, shifting only to hold onto and deeper in thine own self. Unfold your humanness and rest on the wings of truth for you cannot be any thing else but what you are. Falter not in the heat of the situation but commence on the journey into the night of the soul walking along the cliff of the future without seeing but with the lens of the heart.

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