Italy’s Salvini Calls For End Of Italy’s Central Bank

SalviniJoseph P Farrell – So many people sent this one, I have to blog about it. But there’s another reason I’ve got to blog about it, and that’s because for some time I’ve been saying “Watch Italy.” And there’s a reason for that.

There is “pushback” against Mr. Globaloney and the technobrusselsprouts in Brusselcratia almost everywhere one looks in Europe: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Poland, even in Sweden. So what sets Italy apart? It’s very simple, in my opinion: Italy is the first major economic and technological power in Europe to have that “pushback” actually constituted as a government.

One might argue that Mrs. May’s post-Brexit referendum government constitutes such, but it’s increasingly difficult to figure out what – if anything – Mrs. May actually stands for amid her muttered obfuscations.

Not so Italy’s Matteo Salvini, who according to the following article from Zero Hedge, has allegedly called for an end to Italy’s central bank, and jail time for its banksters (we’ll get back to that crucial “allegedly” in a moment): Continue reading

Adios Senor! Rajoy Out…

sorosJoseph P Farrell – Well, it has happened. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is the first Spanish premier in history to lose a vote of no confidence. And for a Madrid that seemed to be successfully emulating the Swampy Corruption Policies of Washington, D.C., that’s something.

Indeed, according to this Zero Hedge article shared by Mr. H.B., kickbacks, or pay to play, seemingly are at the heart of Senor Rajoy’s downfall:

Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy Ousted From Power; Sanchez Is New Socialist Prime Minister

As the article notes, however, the new premier is the Socialist Pedro Sanchez, leading a rag-tag coalition that was hastily thrown together for the simple purpose of ousting Senor Rajoy. In short, on the surface, nothing much has changed, because what is socialism but a swampy pay-to-play scheme,  dressed up in the glowing utopian language of Marxism which, somehow, manages always to weave a spell so powerful that it convinces people to ignore the glaring hypocrisies of it all: Continue reading