New Study of Mind-Matter Interaction Via Double Slit Experiment Yields “Remarkable” Results

mindArjun Walia – Does mind influence matter? The answer is an unquestionable yes, this fact is firmly established in scientific literature, and the only thing up for debate is just how much of an effect our minds can have on matter.

In what’s known as the double slit experiment, tiny bits of matter (photons, electrons, or any atomic-sized object) are shot toward a screen that has two slits in it. On the other side of the screen, a video camera records where each photon lands. When scientists close one slit, the camera will show us an expected pattern. But when both slits are opened, an interference pattern emerges — they begin to act like waves. This means that each photon individually goes through both slits at the same time and interferes with itself, but it also goes through one slit, and it goes through the other. Furthermore, it goes through neither of them. The single piece of matter becomes a “wave” of potentials, expressing itself in the form of multiple possibilities, and this is why we get the interference pattern. Continue reading

What Do We Know about the Time Illusion?

timeZinovia Dushkova, Ph.D. – From esoteric teachings, we know that time is simply an illusion which is necessary for evolution. There is a universal time that manifests throughout the universe. However, it connects with the periods. It has nothing in common with the earthly understanding of time. There is also inner time, characteristic of solar systems, planets, humans, etc.

The past, present, and future are the framework within which a human being comprehends the world. Causes create the future, proceeding from the past to the future. The past cannot change, while the future is changeable, because we may create other causes in the present which influence it.

The three times exist inseparably in space. So, therefore, people with a developed consciousness are able to penetrate in the present time into both the past and the future for millennia to come.

Do We Have an Inkling of Future Events?

If it were not for the intervention of free will, the future, existing in space as a projection of past causes, would be fixed and immovable. But a human introduces its own corrections, which results in so many unfulfilled prophecies. Nevertheless, the Law of Cause and Effect, or karma, makes the plasticity of the future conditional on the causes which generate it, and determines the framework for the development of events. Continue reading

Nuclear Physicist Discusses The Science Behind ‘Psychic’ Healing

scienceArjun Walia – Nikola Tesla once said that “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” In fact, Vedic philosophy heavily influenced Nikola Tesla’s ideas about free energy. You can read more about that here.

Fast forward to today, and we now know hundreds, if not thousands of internationally recognized scientists from around the world coming together to stress the fact that matter (protons, electrons, photons, anything that has a mass) is not the only reality.

If we wish to understand the true nature of our reality, we must stop limiting ourselves to only examining physical systems. We must consider the role of non-physical systems, such as factors associated with consciousness, and their interaction with physical systems (matter).

Today, this type of science is known as post-materialist science. If Nikola Tesla was around, there would be no doubt that he would be leading the charge in this important field.

To summarize the current contrast between material science and post material science, is to look at the points made in a document that was co-authored by Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona, Mario Beauregard, PhD, from the University of Arizona, and Lisa Miller, PhD, from Columbia University. It was presented at an international summit on post-materialist science, spirituality, and society. They (and hundreds of other scientists) have come to several conclusions which you can view in their Manifesto For Post-Material Science.

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Stargate Open To Zero Point Field – 12:12 Global Intentions

zeroMeg Benedicte – This Monday, December 12th marks the annual Ascension opening of the cosmic stargate at the Galactic Center, located at 26 degrees Sagittarius. Every year the solar system receives an infusion of divine Light Consciousness streaming from the galactic Zero Point Field while the stargate is open until the Solstice event on December 21st .

Recognized as a powerful potential energy source, the galactic Zero Point field operates as a Universal Mind that influences how matter is formed. It is called the God Matrix, the source of genesis in our universe. Within the unifying force of the phi spiral, human DNA is coded to ‘remember’ all at Zero Point. As the conscious mind evolves towards reaching enlightenment, the Zero Point field plays a vital role influencing the future outcome of the material world.

During the Ascension process we are transcending Duality of opposites and creating a coherent state of connection and integration of our particle self and anti-particle self. The unifying principle of Zero Point assists with neutralizing all polarized forces into a harmonious state of Oneness. For the next 2 weeks take advantage of the galactic alignment with Zero Point to enhance internal unification of all aspects of your divine being. This creates a window in time for accelerated Ascension upgrades!

When we tap into the creative force of Source pulsing at Zero Point, we reach across time/space/dimensions to access the God Seed atom of pure life force. The vibrant God Matrix of Christed Light operates like a dynamic primordial soup of popping virtual particles, waiting for conscious connection. With our focused participation, we are able to directly influence the formation of the new paradigm.

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Oracle Report ~ Monday, July 18, 2016

“Owl in Stone” – photo by Stewart

Gibbous Moon in Capricorn: trust, magic

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Winnows and Sorts

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: bend like a willow tree

True Alignments: transitioning, patience, weathering, overcoming obstacles, perseverance, expressing feelings through creativity and respect, learning, following an ancient tradition or lineage, discipline, shift in point of view, unity of humanity, seeing beyond apparent darkness

Catalysts for Change:  power and control issues at the micro and macro levels, authoritarian, undisciplined, angry blow ups and confrontations, addiction to drama, greed, materialism, homogenous, powerlessness, brain washing and mind control, not letting go, restricted or held back

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a very old man facing a vast, dark space to the northeast” (facing forward/facing off/facing self/facing The Void)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet (ride) of Oriental imagery” (transcending the past, transcending the unraveling control system)

All roads lead to Liberty.

No matter what any given situation appears to be – no matter how sad, no matter how heartbreaking, no matter how disheartening, no matter how inhumanly twisted – it ultimately leads to the liberation of humanity.  It leads to liberation from the archontic infection.

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