Trump’s Financials

Jfinancialsohn Michael Chambers – Sure, they are unloading the piled up subpoenas against the President and his family (all to no avail I might add), like the recent attempts at getting at Trump’s taxes and financials. Even if they get his financials, like the Mueller report, they will find no crimes. Another big fat nothing burger.

And like the Mueller report, this too will blow up in their faces.

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Devolution of Western Society – false flags on the horizon

Leo Lyon Zagami – This picture sums up the present moral decline of the West as Cultural Marxism is clearly evident in the daily manipulation that psychologically wills us to accept this as normal.

Democratic Party

The increasingly controlled media of the New World Order, and now the giants of Silicon Valley, have begun the final stage of their plan to shut any voice of dissent, before they kick-start another season of lies, murders, and treason on a national and an international level, to bring down their number one enemy, Donald J. Trump.

For the last few months, experts have been warning about the rising risk of a major false flag event to take place in the US just before the mid-term elections. Something manufactured by the left to influence the upcoming vote, possibly blaming a Trump supporting right-wing terror group, or an Iranian one, so they can force Trump into another useless war.

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Millennial Conservative Candace Owens Ignites Snowflake Meltdown Nationwide

Robyn DolginCandace Owens – a black conservative – takes a page from President Donald Trump’s playbook when encountering unhinged liberals: she is fearless.

watersHer career, at the tender age of 28, has accelerated to the point of making the Nancy Pelosis and Chuck Schumers very nervous, given her growing national popularity to ignite ideological warfare among leftist-indoctrinated blacks, including Millennials on college campuses.

She treads where few conservatives are willing to go, especially white Republicans.  “We need to get off the Maxine Waters plantation,” says Owens, taking aim at one of the most accomplished race-baiters in the Black Caucus.  The new concept, says Owens, is to hold Democrats “accountable” for their “shameful” record of service to America, speaking as communications director of Turning Point USA.

Waters’s abysmal political career of 27 years (repeat: 27 years) remains enshrined in a district (Compton, Calif.) teeming with local corruption and shocking levels of criminal activity.  “She lives in her $6 million mansion (in Hancock Park) while black people continue to suffer,” Owens adds.  “And all she does is talk about race.  Black leaders are engaged in the race business.”

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Time for Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi & John McCain to Step Down

Tony Elliott – It is time we put an end to career politicians in this country who have long overstayed their usefulness as so called elected officials and have reached the age where they obviously suffer from age-related mental impairment afflictions such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Case and point are McCainMaxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and John McCain in particular. Here we have 3 politicians, who when speaking resemble a Saturday Night Live skit rather than addressing issues as intended.

Maxine Waters simply cannot give one speech or make a single appearance without embarrassing herself with outrageous statements and unrealistic notions. She definitely lives in an alternate reality mentally and can hardly say two words publicly that makes any sense.

Waters has become an embarrassment not only to herself but to the Democrat party and above all, to the people she is supposed to represent. Waters is 78 years old and obviously is suffering from Dementia in the worst way. Time for her to leave office, either by resignation or get booted out, she is incapable of making even the most simple, rational decisions. Continue reading