Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

NaturalSociety  August 13 2013

Men and women alike have excess ‘belly-fat,’ usually an anthropomorphized representation of a lack of healthy fats in our bodies- like the ones in coconut oil. A peer-reviewed study from Brazil shows how eating just two tablespoons of coconut oil a day can help whittle our middle faster than spending months on the dreaded treadmill.

Coconut oil is full of medium chain triglycerides. (MCTs) The good thing about this type of fat is that it is more likely to be burned as energy than turned into extra blubber. Additionally extra virgin, organic coconut oil is full of lauric acid and caprylic acid, two important fatty acids that contain anti-viral and anti-microbial properties, so while your body can more easily utilize these fats as easy energy, coconut oil also helps to boost immunity and keep you from getting sick.

Furthermore, the Brazilian study showed that participants had exceptionally higher rates of good cholesterol, or HDL. Also, people who ate other forms of ‘good’ fats, like soybean oil did not realize a smaller waistline, while those who consumed coconut oil did. Part of this may be because participants ‘spontaneously’ reduced the number of unhealthy carbs they were eating and naturally increased their consumption of healthy proteins – which may also account for the loss in belly fat.

The researchers in the study concluded, “Supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia [an abnormal amount of fats in the bloodstream] and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity.”

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An Incredible Superfood: The Many Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Natural Society May 9 2013

If you haven’t noticed lately, the western world is on a bit of a coconut oil kick. It’s in all the popular blogs—from nutrition to hair care—and it’s no longer difficult to find a few different varieties of the oil in normal grocery stores. This is a good thing. Coconut oil should have never been demonized, as it was, and deserves a top spot in the natural health world.

Vilified Coconut Oil

Several decades ago, coconut oil was vilified. It was made to look like the “bad guy” in comparison with its competitors from the corn and soy industries. They were successful in their campaign to squash the coconut oil competition by highlighting it’s saturated fat content and tying that to heart disease. Now, however, coconut oil and its medium chain triglycerides (saturated fats) are back on top and being recognized for numerous health benefits.

The health benefits of coconut oil are amazing; the oil possesses antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties. The lauric, capric and caprylic acids within the oil are credited with many of these benefits. It’s the lauric acid, for instance, that is converted into monolaurin which in in turn fights the bugs associated with herpes, giardia, listeria, influenza, and even HIV.

Coconut oil benefits truly are many, and it doesn’t take much. Just a tablespoon or so a day could make significant differences in your health. Coconut oil for Alzheimer’s and dementia has been proven especially beneficial.

Coconut Oil Benefits – Topical Applications

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