The 24 Hour Gratitude Challenge

Jafree Ozwald May 22 2013

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” ~ Meister Eckhart

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations on the planet. It is a close cousin to love and comes spontaneously from opening your heart to love itself. The energy of gratitude is soooo powerful that it instantly opens your heart, and connects you to the Divine power in all of existence. In every moment you have the opportunity to be grateful for what is showing up. The real question is HOW to always remain in this constant state of appreciation, without having to continuously reboot and refocus your mind back on what you’re thankful for.

The secret to this answer is in increasing the general vibration and consciousness within your body. I invite you to take on my 24 Hour Gratitude Challenge to upgrade your life and start living in Gratitude-Ville! It starts first thing tomorrow morning before you get out of bed. You simply put on your “Gratitude Glasses” and begin SEEING everything in your life from this Grace-filled state. As you practice your new all-seeing “Gratitude Vision” you are strengthening your ability to relax and experience every moment as perfect and Divine. This causes your body to feel deep sensations of relief and joy for life, turning you into a “grateful magnet”!

Now, here comes the fun part! Wear your Gratitude Glasses all day long for the next 24 hours. No matter what happens, meet it with this new perception. By perceiving all experiences and events with joy, appreciation and trust you will jumpstart your inner gratitude engine. After 24 hours you will drop into an automatic gratitude vibration and have enough momentum to glide into another 24 hours, which will allow you to go through the rest of the week with ease and Grace.

“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” ~ Johannes A. Gaertner

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Attitude Of Gratitude

Laura Bruno’s Blog | August 14 2012

EnergyToday I am affirming a world in which people can learn to give and receive in balance, to feel the wonder of gifts and to trust that small kindnesses will indeed be repaid in full. As St. Francis says, “It is in giving that we receive.” I had an experience last night that shocked me to the core but also shed so much light (again) on just how much an addictive sense of lack and the perceived need for grasping works to turn a would-be giver away.

I gave anyway, but profound sadness surrounding this experience still lingers, mostly because I see how it plays out in our larger world. I will not invest my energy in this direction again, and that saddens me, because my heart saw so clearly the potential ripple effects of such an offering. Instead, the person received back what they gave, plus a bonus of much more, and yet the net gain for that person is a huge loss. Ingratitude severed what could have been an ongoing stream of freely offered blessings.

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