Luis Miranda ~ The Mental Health Trick To Confiscate Your Guns

Before It’s News | January 22 2013

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersNo doubt that only a mentally ill person could carry out a savage attack like the ones perpetrated in Newtown, Aurora and Oregon. The question is how does a person become mentally ill enough to kill. There is no doubt that prescription drugs are the main triggers of side effects which make people act violently to a point where they seek to murder children, men and women.

But the relation between pharmaceutical products and violent outbursts have found little place in the main stream media. How could it? Pharmaceutical corporations contribute millions of dollars a year to news networks and broadcast television. Rightfully blaming pharmaceuticals for many examples of violent behavior would be equivalent to killing the golden goose.

What it is becoming more common in the media is the idea that anyone who experiences anger or frustration could be mentally ill and since that is a sign of a potential threat to society, because of the recent examples where angry men shot innocent people, everyone needs to be examined for mental health as a preventive measure.

The problem is that most of the diagnoses issued by psychologists and psychiatrists are based on a set of very abstract and ambiguous terms — not science — contained in the American Psychiatric Association’s bible of psychiatry; generally known as the DSM-IV.

The ambiguity of DSM-IV allows for all kinds of mental problems to be found on anyone who allegedly suffers from depression, anger, ADD, ADHD and a whole list of fabricated mental illnesses. People who question authority, for example, are diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The symptoms are: often losing temper, often arguing with adults, often deliberately annoys people, often experiences anger and resentment and so on.

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The Study of Narcissism Helps You Understand

Stuart Wilde | January 11 2013

View Narcissists (Full Video) Here

Narcissism is defined as an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one’s physical appearance, and an extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one’s own talents and a craving for admiration.

In understanding narcissism one understands our leaders today, their lack of empathy for human pain, their haughty body language, their obsession with glamour, and the way they hurt people and use others. So, for example, the way the President can send troops to their deaths in ego-trip wars, that are not to do with the defense of the nation. Or, a Government that imposes unnecessary fines and exorbitant taxes without heeding the needs of the population.

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Psychiatry Goes Insane: Every Human Emotion Now Classified As Mental Disorder

NaturalNews | December 20 2012 | Thanks, Vk

cartoon_psychiatryThe industry of modern psychiatry has officially gone insane. Virtually every emotion experienced by a human being — sadness, grief, anxiety, frustration, impatience, excitement — is now being classified as a “mental disorder” demanding chemical treatment (with prescription medications, of course).

The new, upcoming DSM-5 “psychiatry bible,” expected to be released in a few months, has transformed itself from a medical reference manual to a testament to the insanity of the industry itself.

“Mental disorders” named in the DSM-5 include “General Anxiety Disorder” or GAD for short. GAD can be diagnosed in a person who feels a little anxious doing something like, say, talking to a psychiatrist. Thus, the mere act of a psychiatrist engaging in the possibility of making a diagnoses causes the “symptoms” of that diagnoses to magically appear.

This is called quack science and circular reasoning, yet it’s indicative of the entire industry of psychiatry which has become such a laughing stock among scientific circles that even the science skeptics are starting to turn their backs in disgust. Psychiatry is no more “scientific” than astrology or palm reading, yet its practitioners call themselves “doctors” of psychiatry in order to try to make quackery sound credible.

How modern psychiatry really works

Here’s how modern psychiatry really operates: A bunch of self-important, overpaid intellectuals who want to make more money invent a fabricated disease that I’ll call “Hoogala Boogala Disorder” or HBD.

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Psychiatry: The True Shadow Government [Video]

ConnectTheBlots | July 23 2012

It takes corrupt minds to establish a Federal Reserve, to execute a holocaust, to forward racism propaganda from past to present, to call for mandatory mental screening and mass psychiatric “medicating” of a society. All the while, running the show through mass-media-mind-programming geared towards unawareness and quite frankly… slavery. Who corrupts these minds? Who whispers in the ears of the “world elite” while hiding behind pillars in the halls of your nation’s capitol?

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Scientists: Creativity Part Of ‘Mental Illness’

Natural Society | October 18 2012

CreativityIf you like to express yourself through painting, writing, or any other form of artistic action, scientists now say that you must be suffering from a mental illness of some kind. In a new display of how truly insane the mainstream medical health paradigm has become, mainstream media outlets are now regurgitating the words of ‘experts’ who say that those who are creative are actually, more often than not, mentally ill.

After all, more than 50% of the United States is, by definition of the psychiatrists of the nation, mentally ill. Even questioning the government is considered a mental disorder. It should come as no surprise to know that upwards of 70% of the psychiatrists who write the conditions are — of course — on the payroll of those who produce the drugs to ‘treat’ the conditions. It should also therefore come as no surprise to note that the DSM (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is the foundation of the entire diagnosis system) now contains over 900 pages of bogus disorders.

And perhaps creativity may soon be added to the massive textbook, which labels people who are shy, eccentric, or have unconventional romantic lives as mentally ill.

Is it any wonder that the 4th edition of the manual, which added hundreds of new ways to diagnose patients, led to a 40 times increase in bipolar disorder diagnoses. Even the lead editor of the DSM-IV Allen Frances, MD, has stated the book is utter nonsense:

“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bull****. I mean, you just can’t define it,” he said.

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